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The competition is in the right place in Loviisa

Taekwondo athletes were successful in the opening race of the domestic match season

Loviisa's traditional match competition gathered 144 junior and amateur league players and 36 league league players. The smallness of the league series is partly explained by the Bulgarian G1 tournament held at the same time. The race day dragged on a bit after the technology got thrown around and became quite whimsical. However, the long waits did not hinder the team members of the taekwondo athletes, who at the end of the day carried the precious metal home with both hands.


In the junior series, Taekwondo athletes were represented by a six-member strike group. Hulikkala's brothers, as usual, showed sure grips. Henri won his first match by points, but had to bow out in his second. Lauri, on the other hand, took care of both of his matches with style and calm, snapping home the points with excellent timing. Kaisla Seimola won her three matches in a confident style. After all, the first opponent managed to take the points from Kaisla once, the others no longer had the same privilege. This time, Jade Salko faced her betters right from the start, but the match went really well. Janika Tatti competed in two series, in one of which she won gold with two clear victories and in the other she lost in the final to a familiar opponent, Loviisa's Emma Johansson. Jenny won her only junnum match, but this was just a warm-up for the afternoon dawn.

In the afternoon, the representation team was small but even more efficient. Luca Leskinen's legs didn't run out of power when two league appearances meant two consecutive matches this time. Herttoniemi's Rene Vainiomäki had almost the same situation, so the boys put together six rounds of quite fast-paced taekwondo rally. As a result, Luca won the first of the matches and narrowly lost the second by a point. In the final of the first series, unfortunately, Jyväskyä's Jesse Viitala was better. Jenny practiced the main contact match in two friendly matches, both of which she won with amazing lightning moves and even more lightning high kicks. The king of the day was Plum Kopisto, who, in addition to two series wins, also grabbed the title of the best male athlete of the games. Plum's only problem right now is that the limits of the trophy cabinet are starting to come into play.

Ali Lahti, who made his debut as a match referee, also deserves a special mention.

Taekwondo athletes congratulate all the medalists!

medal smiles awarded group2

 All rankings

Henri Hulikkala D2 – Kids -40 Kg 3.
Jade Salko C2 – Kids -52 Kg 3.
Lauri Hulikkala C2 – Kids -44 Kg 1.
Janika Tatti C2 – Kids -37 Kg 2.
Janika Tatti D1 – Kids -36 Kg 1.
Jenny Vettenniemi D1 – Kids -30Kg 1.
Jenny Vettenniemi C1 – Cadets (Friendship x2) 1.
Kaisla Seimola D2 – Kids -30 Kg 1.
Plum Duplicator B1 – Juniors -45 Kg 1.
Plum Duplicator C1 – Cadets -45 Kg 1.
Luca Leskinen C1 – Cadets -33 Kg 2.
Luca Leskinen C1 – Cadets -37 Kg 3.
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Taekwondo athletes' first poom belts

I follow five new poom values

Saturday 25.2. five young taekwondo athletes achieved the club's first poom belts. The bar was set quite high when Emilia Lahti, Tuikku Holopainen, Sara Quinones, Eddie Quinones and Plum Kopisto showed their skills in the test that lasted five hours. The group's enthusiasm only grew during the test and the techniques were squeezed out even when the legs started to feel a little heavy. There were no ambiguities about Viisiko's technical skills either. The test administrators Petteri Kauppinen and Pauli Raivio were very satisfied with the performance and whispered positive comments to each other throughout the test.


The experiment started with an effective warm-up, when the experimenters moved around the long end of the hall using various animal walks and skill moves. Through rhythms and step squares, we moved on to Petter's technique section. Despite the fast pace and challenging techniques, the team's kicks and hand techniques held together perfectly. After the technical part, we moved on to the fighting part held by Paul, where the young people got some kind of self-defense and match tasks. The practical applications of the techniques and movement went smoothly, although the attacking pressure was quite heavy in most tasks. After the struggle, the muscles got a moment's rest when we moved on to theory questions and feedback. After the feedback, the momentum was gathered again with the help of jump kicks, and the momentum was found!

The club warmly congratulates the new ones kyosan names!  One important milestone has been reached again in the horizon of the next goals.


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Summer camps for taekwondo athletes

Traditional summer camps in the first weeks of June

There is no better way to start the summer vacation than by attending a summer camp for Taekwondo athletes. Two week-long day camps for children and young people guarantee fast-paced taekwondo training, pleasant outdoor activities, games and fun together. The camps are suitable for everyone, from beginners to veterans. There is a limited number of places. So don't hesitate, sign up right away!

About the camps

Timing: 1. camp 5.-9.6., 2nd camp 12.-16.6.

Price: €175/camp or €300 both camps (includes exercises, lunch, snack and other possible expenses)

Realization: The camps will take place if there are more than 10 participants/camp registered. The maximum number is 20 participants per camp.

Schedule: Doors open at 9:00 and close at 17:00. The actual exercises and the program are between 10:00 and 15:00. (A more detailed program will be published closer to the camp)

Registration: Registration by email to To register name, age, previous experience in taekwondo, allergies and other special considerations and the phone number of the guardian.


Those who have registered will receive even more detailed camp information closer to the beginning of June. However, don't hesitate to ask if something was unclear: or 045-1827290.

Camp ad

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Indoor competitions on Friday 24 February 2017

Friday 24.2. Indoor competitions of taekwondo athletes

Participation is free for everyone, and you do not need to register separately. Competitors from outside the club are also warmly welcome.

17:00-19:00 – E, D, and C2 (9-12-year-olds and 12-14-year-old beginners)

18:00-19:00 5-6 year olds have their own skills competition

19:00-21:00 – C1, B1, B2, R1 and H (12-14-year-old cadets, +15-year-olds)

If you are not sure which group you should join, feel free to contact the coaches. In particular, it is worth asking for the larger C2 shunts if more suitable resistors could be found in a later shift. We encourage all new enthusiasts to participate in the games, even if they don't even know what competing means. The first time you can look at the moods or even try it yourself if you feel like it.

You can borrow the missing protectors from the club, but we recommend everyone to buy their own training protectors. Ask more from the gym's equipment store and coaches.

Note! No other exercises will be organized on the day of the Salika competition.

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Registration for the early spring games

Early spring domestic competitions:

4.3. Loviisa Open (match) - Registrations no later than 23.2.

11.3. Lohja Open (business series) - Registration no later than 2.3..

1.4. Nurtzi Open (match) - Registrations no later than 23.3.

8.4. Kuopio Open (business series) – Registration no later than 30.3.

You can and should participate in competitions, even if you have no experience other than indoor competitions. There are series for everyone at their own level, both in the match and movement series competitions, and the coaches are happy to help with mind-boggling questions. So don't hesitate, feel free to sign up!

Registration for all competitions: When registering, include your name, date of birth, belt rank and current weight (match only). In the return mail of your registration, you will receive more detailed instructions about the games and how to prepare for them.

The easiest way to find the times of competitions and other events is to search for Taekwondo athletes timeline.

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Events of the beginning of the year

Taekwondo athletes' first wave newsletter

It's time to get back to training routines again. There have been some small schedule changes for spring, which you should check practice times from the side. In the newsletter below, you will find the most important information and dates that you should mark in your calendar.

tu2011-information-early spring-2017

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There will be no taekwondo classes in Kalajärvi in the spring of 2017

Unfortunately, due to the quiet autumn and low number of registrations, no taekwondo course will be held at Kalajärvi school in spring 2017. Kalajärvi enthusiasts are warmly welcome to practice in Konala. The autumn 2017 course will be mapped separately at the end of the summer.

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Christmas break and spring practice times

Taekwondo athletes on vacation during Christmas

Christmas break is celebrated in Konala 22.12.2016-8.1.2017, when normal exercises are not organized in the gym. Competition groups will be informed separately about practice and exercises during the break.

Spring training calendar

The exercises will continue in the spring with minor changes. The changes aim to optimize the use of coach resources and space in the gym. That's why seasonal adjustment to real group sizes etc. is of paramount importance. In the picture below you can view the spring training calendar, and at the end of the news you will find the changes listed.


  • A new exercise for adults is a self-defense exercise on Wednesday evening. The goal of the exercise is to apply taekwondo techniques to practice the most common self-defense situations
  • The amateur match will be moved to Monday evening from Wednesday
  • Body control and acrobatics will be moved to Thursdays from Wednesday
  • Monday practice for 5-6 year olds is moved to Friday
  • The elementary and advanced groups of 7-9 year olds now train at the same time on Wednesdays and Fridays. The same also applies to groups of 10-15 year olds. Previously, the skill groups of both age groups practiced at the same time.
  • Baby aekwondo moves to Wednesday from Thursday
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December belt exams

December belt exams

  • 3-6 year olds on Wednesday 14.12.
    • Those who complete the sleeve badges and ribbons at 18:00-19:00
    • Those who do not have an exam have a joint practice at 17:00-18:00
  • 7-15 year olds on Wednesday 14.12.
    • Yellow belt and green ribbons at 18:00-19:00
    • Green belt and above 19:00-21:00
    • Those who do not have an exam have exercises as normal
  • Adults on Thursday 15.12.
    • from 19:00 to 21:00. The test starts during the fitness circuit workout and lasts until the end of the stretching workout
    • Those who do not have an exam have exercises as normal
  • Getting to the belt exam requires, depending on the belt rank, a sufficient number of exercises and training months from the previous belt exam. Instructors check the training times in the login system. All participants in the belt test will be sent an invitation by e-mail. The list can also be seen at the instructor's desk in the hall about a week before the exam
  • Always ask your coach for permission to participate in the belt test and make sure you know all the required techniques and movement sequences
  • A sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Association is required for all participants in the test
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No exercises on Independence Day

Tuesday 6.12. the hall is closed all evening because of Independence Day. Otherwise, the week's exercises will go on as usual, except for Friday 9.12. when the last indoor competitions of the autumn season are held.

Happy Independence Day!

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