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Great medal haul for Christian and Ess from Holland

Taekwondo athletes Christian Kamphuis showed his nails at the Dutch Open of the business series at the weekend. The brightest medal was won by Christian from the over 18 freestyle series. The silver was hung around the neck in the very tough U30 individual series. Left behind, e.g. Switzerland's Steve Marro, who leads the ETU ranking. Värisuora was completed with bronze in the U30 doubles series with Essi. Essi sadly missed the final in his own U30 individual series, finishing ninth in the competition. The coach on the trip was Heikki Liukkonen, the club's representative and the head coach of the business league national team.

The club congratulates the medalists on a great race trip!


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May belt exams

May belt exams

The second belt test of the spring season is approaching.

Children and young people aged 7-14 – Tue 17.5.

  • at 17:00-18:00 – Yellow and green ribbon finishers (8 cup – 7+ cup)
  • at 18:00-20:00 – Green belt and higher graduates (6.- kup)
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

3-6 year old children – Wed 18.5.

  • from 17:00 to 18:00
  • NOTE Those who there is no belt test now, is a joint exercise at 18:00.19:00

Adults – Thu 19.3.

  • from 18:30 to 20:30
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual


When can I take the belt test? ◦

  • When I know the required techniques and movement sequences well enough. The teachers will tell you when you are ready ◦
  • I have more practice visits than the minimum number requires. Remember to record your visit! ◦
  • I have practiced at my belt level longer than the minimum time required ◦
  • I have a valid sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Association.


All those participating in the exam will be informed about it by email. The list can also be seen at the director's desk in the hall.

You can check the price lists for belt tests from here.

We require a sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Federation from all participants, which can be purchased from here.

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Late spring events and dates

"When were those belt tests anyway? Is there an indoor competition this week?" If these questions keep running through your head, don't worry. The answers can be found behind the link.

TU2011 announcement late spring 2016 

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Indoor competitions 1.4.

This time, indoor competitions are held on the first Friday of the month, April 1.
As usual, participation is free for everyone. Indoor competitions are a good opportunity to gain match experience, for example, before the first national competitions. All those who even thought about their participation in the Nurmijärvi Games on 16.4., have nothing but Mars indoor games to warm up for the first time, and get your name on the lists!

17:00-19:00 – E, D, and C2

19:00-21:00 – C1, B1, A1 and H (can be started on a rolling basis even earlier at the end of the junnum races)

Note! No other exercises will be organized on the day of the Salika competition.

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March belt exams

March belt exams

The first belt test of the spring season is approaching.

Children and young people aged 7-14 – Tue 15.3.

  • at 17:00-18:00 – Yellow and green ribbon finishers (8 cup – 7+ cup)
  • at 18:00-19:30 – Green belt and higher graduates (6.- kup)
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

3-6 year old children – Wed 16.3.

  • from 18:00 to 19:00
  • NOTE Those who there is no belt test now, is a joint exercise from 17:00 to 18:00

Adults – Thu 17.3.

  • from 18:30 to 20:30
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

You can take the belt test after collecting enough training marks and knowing belt-level techniques (techniques used in training) and movement sequences. The instructors calculate the training times based on the enthusiasts' own training logs and check the candidates who pass the tests from their groups. These enthusiasts will be sent a separate e-mail and told during the exercises. You can check the price lists for belt tests from here.

We require a sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Federation from all participants, which can be purchased from here.

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Early spring newsletter

The most important events of early spring can be found in the appendix below.

TU2011 announcement early spring 2016

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Friday 12.2. all practices canceled due to SM competitions

On Friday 12.2. no training will be organized due to the SM competitions. All the club's coaches and instructors are either competing themselves or coaching other athletes towards the Finnish championships in Tampere. You can read more about the event from here.

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Jenna Partanen is chasing her Olympic dream

There are thousands of athletes in Finland who sacrifice everything every day to achieve their biggest dream: the Olympic dream. One such athlete is Jenna Partanen, a taekwondo athlete supported by Lainasto.

Jenna Partanen Taekwondo athletes 2011

Eighty thousand people cheer when the athletes step onto the turf of the legendary Maracanã. The audience of billions has settled down on their couches, ready to celebrate the start of the two-week season. The Rio Olympics are about to start.

Spectators only see the happy surface of the athletes. They see that all the athletes are excited to be a part of the world's finest sporting competition. However, they don't know how much all the athletes have fought to even be a part of the Olympic dream.

An opportunity to make a dream come true

These times Jenna Partanen one's own struggle is concretized into a suspense drama that measures the last physical and psychological resources. The last chance to claim an Olympic place is at hand.

Taekwondo's last competition spots, participation rights to pursue your own dreams, will be awarded at the European Olympic qualifying competition in Istanbul on January 16-17, 2016. The best two in each weight class get tickets to the Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

The competition is tough and merciless, but Jenna Partanen, competing in the under-67-kilogram weight class, is one of those athletes who has an excellent chance of beating all her competitors and grabbing a place at the Olympics. This is ensured by the typical traits of a successful athlete: talent, hard work, dedication and passion.

However, the recipe for a successful athlete also includes more than perfect traits. The training must be top class and the athlete must make sacrifices.

Partanen is supported by a talented duo

An athlete can determine the direction of his own career development, but coaching determines the pace. Competent coaching gives the athlete the conditions to realize his full potential for success.

Partanen, who represents the Taekwondo athletes 2011 club, is surrounded by a competent duo whose task is to ensure that no stone is left unturned and that development proceeds at the desired pace.

Partanen's personal trainer has been cooked in many broths, Teemu Heino, himself an Olympic athlete preparing for the Olympic qualification in Istanbul. The second coach is Jesus Ramal, Olympic coach of the Finnish Taekwondo Association, who has described Parta as Finland's most promising young taekwondo player. It was Ramal's trust in Partanen's abilities that led to Partanen's full-time life as a top athlete following Ramal's teachings in the fall.

Moving into the unknown

When autumn came, Partanen moved to Madrid to train full-time in Ramal's teachings. The step was not only athletically significant, but also a change measuring mental strength. A real sacrifice. The familiar environment changed to a new and unknown one.

"In addition to moving to train as a top athlete in a foreign country, where all communication takes place in a foreign language, I also moved away from home to live on my own. My first own home is abroad in a completely new environment", reveals Partanen.

Partanen lives in the quiet area of San Sebastian de los Reyes, twenty kilometers from the center of Madrid. While most tourists stay in the center of Madrid, English language skills also stay there. In addition to everyday business, this has also been seen in training.

"In the beginning, it was a bit different to do the exercises, when the language caused difficulties. I didn't always understand what to do. Fortunately, Jesus continued to explain and show by holding hands. Things have gone really well with Jesus."

Life in a foreign environment has been busy. Camp and competition trips have taken Parta all over Europe, and the suitcases haven't had time to be packed for long. Despite everything, the investment has made Partase an even stronger athlete and person.

"I think that the benefit of this training trip to Spain will be seen in my life many times over, even years from now. I've learned a lot about the sport I love, from training, and as a bonus, I've become able to adapt to my own and my language skills. It's great that I get to make my dream come true - and I can say that I've done everything I can for this dream," Partanen beams.

The journey is at an important stage

Daily struggle to develop body and psyche. The Olympic athlete has seen many rough days along his journey. Blood, sweat, tears. All the clichés that have become reality as experienced by the athlete.

Even so, the true dream of an Olympic athlete will only come true when the Olympic flame is lit on August 5, 2016.

Then it will also be seen whether Jenna will participate as an Olympic athlete in the Rio de Janeiro Olympics. The decisive stage on the journey is on January 16, 2016 in Istanbul, when Jenna competes in the European Olympic qualifiers.

Partanen and his coach leave for Istanbul excited and confident.

"I'm looking forward to the Olympic qualifiers in Istanbul. After all, this is the peak moment of my career so far. Technically, I'm at my best right now. According to Jesus, my development has been incredibly fast, so he is very satisfied with that," says Partanen.

Taekwondo athletes 2011 and Jenna's supporter Lainasto Oy wish Jenna luck for the qualifiers! Remember to enjoy the journey towards your Olympic dream, remembering that hard work and sacrifice will pay off in the end!

Lainasto Oy is a Finnish financial company that has been offering financial solutions for everyday challenges and the pursuit of dreams since 2011.


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Spring training calendar for taekwondo athletes

Some changes to spring practice times

As the autumn season is still coming to an end, we are already looking to the future. Konala's spring training calendar has been edited. Due to the characteristics of our sport, the size of the groups, the age distribution and the distribution of belts live constantly, which forces us to check the training calendar again every time the season ends. Some of the changes are due, for example, to the fact that during the fall two groups practicing at the same time have grown so big that the gym is starting to get small for both. Some, on the other hand, have their roots in the instructors' scheduling issues. For the sake of clarity, the group in which the enthusiast should train at any given time is listed below.


Group Level Hobbyists
0-3 Babies, toddlers and toddlers See the descriptions in more detail on the groups' own pages
3-6 Rudiments Beginners, one sleeve label owners
Sequel Two sleeve badges and from the yellow belt upwards
7-14 Rudiments White and yellow belts
Sequel Yellow belts with one or two green ribbons
Advanced Green belts and higher belt values
14+ Rudiments White and yellow belts
Sequel Green and blue belts
Advanced Red and black belts
Match All Everyone from yellow upwards who are interested in the match
Elite A competitive team striving for international success
Business series Buff Everyone who is interested in practicing movement sequences
Race group Business series competitions are attended by enthusiasts and athletes

Schedule_spring2016Spring practice times

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December belt exams

December belt exams

It is possible to increase the belt value even before the Christmas break.

Juniors aged 7-14 – Tue 15.12.

  • at 17:00-18:00 – Yellow and green ribbon finishers (8th cup)
  • At 18:00-19:00 Green ribbon finishers (7th-7th + cup)
  • at 19:00-20:30 – Green belt and higher graduates (6.- kup)
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

3-6 year old children – Wed 16.12.

  • from 18:00 to 19:00
  • NOTE Those who there is no belt test now, is a joint exercise from 17:00 to 18:00

Adults – Thu 17.12.

  • from 18:30 to 20:30
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

You can take the belt test after collecting enough training marks and knowing belt-level techniques (techniques used in training). The instructors calculate the training times based on the enthusiasts' own training logs and check the candidates who pass the tests from their groups. These enthusiasts will be sent a separate e-mail and told during the exercises. You can check the price lists for belt tests from here.

We require a sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Federation from all participants, which can be purchased from here.

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