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Virtual lessons for those who have paid the training fee

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Virtual classes offer activities when the hall is closed

Virtual classes offer activities when the hall doors are closed. There is a wide range of things on offer, from side exercises to sports training.

You can watch it here from the link>> or by clicking the menu in the upper right corner of the page.

All those who have paid the training fee have received a password with the newsletter. If you have not received your password, please contact us[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

front page Slider Newsletter General

Information for taekwondo athletes regarding covid-19 (March 15, 2020)

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See Teemu's greetings here:

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The board of the Taekwondourheilijat 2011 association met on Sunday and decided the following.

  • We are canceling all exercises according to the normal calendar until March 31, 2020. The situation is monitored daily and changes are communicated whenever there are changes to training
  • In order to serve our active fan base, we are opening free private lessons for a maximum of six (6) people. In these classes, you practice without close contact and with aids that can be changed from one hand to another.
  • We publish online workouts for self-paced training on our website at 
  • If the weather is favorable, we will carry out outdoor exercises as indicated separately
  • For adult enthusiasts, we organize a limited opportunity for independent training in the gym
  • The competition groups' small group teaching will be announced separately on the competitors' Slack channel
  • We comply with the regulations of the authorities. If there are new mandatory regulations, they will be put into practice immediately.
  • Remember to ALWAYS wash your hands when entering and leaving the gym!

[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media=”11214″ media_width_percent=”50″][vc_column_text]Epidemian taloudelliset lieveilmiöt ovat hankalia monelle taholle, niin myös Taekwondourheilijoille. Vakka toiminta supistuu minimiin, säilyvät seuran kiinteät kulut, kuten vuokrat ja palkat, entisellään. Tilanteen pitkittyessä seuran jatkuvuus on vaakalaudalla. Tämän johdosta vetoamme kaikkiin, kenelle se suinkin on mahdollista, että jatkaisitte harjoitussopimuksianne ja osaltanne auttaisitte seuraa tämän vaikean tilanteen yli. Tämän rohkaisemiseksi olemme päättäneen aloittaa seuraavan kampanjan:

  • By paying for your next contract period (3 months) by the end of April, you will receive one additional month of exercises free of charge
  • By paying for two contract seasons at once (6 months), we add two extra months to the training contract

March belt tests:

The belt exams in March will have to be postponed to the future. Invoices have already been sent for the belt tests, so you register for the test as usual by paying this invoice. The belt test will be organized as soon as normal training activities can be started again. We will send more detailed information about the exams to the participants as soon as we can confirm the dates.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Information for taekwondo athletes regarding covid-19 (March 13, 2020)

The coronavirus is raging around the world and Finland is on the brink of an epidemic. The situation is alive every day, and a lot is already happening in a few days. Taekwondo athletes 2011 ry recognizes its own role in preventing and possibly limiting the epidemic and feels its responsibility in this matter. The board of the club has been meeting all week and at today's meeting we made the decision to calm the situation for the weekend and use the weekend time to monitor the development of the situation and make the best possible decisions for the benefit of our fans.

Practices on Friday evening (13.3.2020) will be held as usual, but for the weekend, all activities at the gym are suspended. The suspension includes practices according to the calendar on Saturday (March 14) and Sunday (March 15), including family groups, as well as Saturday's crushing camp. For family groups, replacement exercises will be organized at a later date. Likewise, a new date for the crushing camp will be sought as soon as the situation permits.

Taekwondo athletes will make decisions about next week's activities and measures on Sunday evening. On Monday morning, March 16, 2020, there will be a new member information about the activities of the week that started at that time. We regret that we cannot guarantee normal activity in the coming weeks, but we strive to guarantee the safest possible training conditions for enthusiasts in this difficult situation. In terms of the continuity of club activities, the support of the entire TU11 community is now especially important!

On Friday, when you possibly go to the gym, remember to be especially careful with washing your hands. Everyone washes their hands with soap before the exercises. Pair exercises and all close contact with other trainees have also been removed from Friday's exercises. Despite the difficult conditions, have a nice weekend!

- The board of the Taekwondo athletes 2011 association

Please remember:

  • Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap.
  • Avoid unnecessary close contact, for example during training or when you are in the gym. Any exercises during the epidemic are planned so that no contact is made.
  • If you feel even a little sore, skip the workout and stay home.
  • Actively follows the club's and authorities' news and related instructions.

More information:

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Summer camps for taekwondo athletes 2020

A super popular taekwondo summer camp is organized right after school ends and another at the end of the holidays

At the summer camp for taekwondo athletes, the activities and physical activity do not end. At the camp, taekwondo is practiced in a relaxed atmosphere and it doesn't matter if you have previous experience in the sport. There are suitable and inspiring challenges and experiences for everyone.

In addition to taekwondo training, at summer camps we go outside every day, play physical games in the gym, eat lunch in the hall's lunch restaurant, relax by watching a movie and have fun in every way.

In the summer of 2020, we will organize two camps, the first one right after school ends and the second one at the end of summer just before school starts.

Camp 1.
1.-5.6. (5 days)
Camp 2.
10.-12-8. (3 days)


  • 9:00-17:00
  • the actual program between 10:00 and 15:30, but a responsible adult present for the entire stated time
  • Every day, two taekwondo exercises, outdoor activities and other programs


  • 1st camp €175
  • 2nd camp €120
  • Both camps for a combined price of €250
  • Family discount -15%, if two or more children from the same family participate
  • The camp will be invoiced afterwards by email
  • The price includes a buffet lunch in the hall's lunch restaurant and a snack in the afternoon


Who is suitable for:

  • Children and young people aged 7-14. Participation does not require previous experience in taekwondo.


  • The minimum number of participants in the camps is 10 participants, and the 25 fastest registrants can take part
  • In addition to the responsible coach, there are 1-2 assistant coaches at the camp, depending on the number of registrants


    By sending the form, I agree that my data will be stored in the customer service system and/or customer register and will be used for communication and managing my customer relationship with me. More information at

    We will send more detailed instructions to those who have registered before the start of the camp.

    More information:

    Getting Started in Taekwondo >>

    front page Slider Newsletter General

    March belt exams

    March belt exams

    • 7-15 year olds on Friday 20.3.
      • 17:00-18:00 Yellow belt winners
      • 18:00:19:00 Performers of green ribbons
      • 19:00-20:30 Green belt, blue ribbon and blue belt performers
      • Those who complete red ribbons and upper belts will take the test on Thursday 19.3. with adults performing higher belts.
      • Those who do not have an exam have practice according to the normal schedule.
    • Adults on Tuesday 17.3. and on Thursday 19.3.
      • Tuesday 19:00-20:00 Two blue ribbons and lower belt values
      • Thursday 18:00-20:30 belt test for upper belts (blue belts and upper belts).
      • Those who do not have an exam have practice according to the normal schedule.
    • Getting to the belt exam requires, depending on the belt rank, a sufficient number of exercises and training months from the previous belt exam. Instructors check the training times in the login system. Sent to all participants in the belt test invitation by email. The list can also be seen at the instructor's desk in the hall about a week before the exam. Please also make sure that you know the things asked in the belt test by checking the belt test instructions on the gym wall or asking your trainer for more information.
    • Note! The belt test is sent invoice before the exam. By paying the bill, you register for the belt test. If you want to pay for the exam in cash on the spot, let us know in advance. The prices of belt tests can be found from the price list.
    front page Slider Newsletter General

    Taekwondo athletes' spring day 4.4.

    Welcome to spend a traditional spring day with us!

    It's time to gather again for training, talks, awards, good food and of course good company at the traditional spring days of Taekwondo athletes on Saturday 4.4. Come and have fun and bring a friend! Parents of junior enthusiasts are also warmly welcome to join.

    Spring Day concerns all the club's fans, so we hope to see you again this year in large numbers.

    Please register for the spring days by writing your name on the glass table in the hall registration list, so we know how to reserve enough food and drink.

    Spring days schedule:


    Hobbyists Parents and coaches
    12:00-12:15                            Day opening and coffee
    12:30-13:30 Exercise 1  Discussion and information from the club management
    13:30-15:00                            Lunch, awards and last year's highlights
    15:00-16:00 Exercise 2  Discussion: Competition training for children and young people in Taekwondo athletes 
    16:00-17:00                            Free stay in the gym and the opportunity to talk with the club management
    17:00-24:00 People over 18 are welcome to join the evening Have an evening in good company!


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    The business league team's wild momentum continued in Helsingborg

    Taekwondo, Helsinki

    Color straight medals from Sweden

    The business series team of taekwondo athletes did not rest much on their laurels after the German race, when the trip continued directly to Helsingborg, Sweden for the President's Cup G1 race.

    In the adult series, the competition was based on the elimination system, which means that in order to reach the next round, the competitor must always be better than his opponent. Christian Kamphuis won two singles matches and thus advanced to the final. Unfortunately, the final battle ended with a small margin in favor of the Danish opponent. Silver for Christian from a tough race.

    In the U-15 series, Aino Kortelainen had quite a performance, which helped her win the entire series. On top of the great performance, Aino also took silver with Alex Jürgens in the U15 pairs. Also, Alex's strong hold continued in the individual series and the result was bronze, just like in Germany. Unfortunately, Sofia Sarala did not advance to the final round in the U15 series.

    Congratulations to the medalists and happy training!

    front page Slider Newsletter General

    Team clothes for taekwondo athletes can be ordered again

    Dress up in your club's colors too!

    Now is another chance to order party wear! There are no fitting pieces available for the clothes, but you can ensure your correct size by testing a teammate's clothes, asking your coach and following the size charts on the order pages.

    Club accessories are intended for all enthusiasts regardless of group or age!

    This is how you order club accessories for yourself

    1. Surf to Pro Dobok Finland's website To the taekwondo athletes' club shop >>
    2. Enter in the password field cross field
    3. Choose the club accessories you want in your shopping cart. Be careful with the sizes!
    4. Enter your information on the checkout page. Choose "store pickup" as the delivery method.
    5. We will notify you when your order can be picked up from the salon. You will receive the invoice in your email.

    The deadline for the next order is March 8, so please order your clothes before then!

    front page Slider Newsletter General

    The business league team achieved excellent results in Germany

    Taekwondo, Helsinki

    The taekwondo sports team won medals at the tough German Open

    The first season of the business series competitors has been very tight in terms of competition cycle and 15-16 February. medals were aimed at the German Open in Hamburg.

    In adults, Christian Kamphuis won gold in the U30 men's group series together with Budokwa's Olli Siltanen and Frans Salme. As usual, the trio was in great harmony and the result was accordingly. In the individual series, Christian went all the way to the final round and finished seventh. In the U40 series, Ville Lehtinen took a wonderful silver in pairs with Budokwa's Elina Strandman. In the individual series, Villen was satisfied with 11th place.

    In the juniors, Alex Jürgens had a top performance, finishing in bronze. In the hard-level series, quite a few hard scalps were left behind. Alex's day was crowned by a bronze in the doubles together with Aino Kortelainen. Aino also worked in the U15 group series, taking home a bronze together with Sofia Sarala and Kuopio Taekwondo's Airada Heikkinen. Unfortunately, Aino and Sofia did not advance to the finals in the U15 individual series.

    The business league team's competition continues this week in Helsingborg, Sweden, and the main goal of the season is the World Championships in Denmark in May.

    Congratulations to the medalists!

    front page Slider Newsletter General

    Crushing camp 14.3.2020

    Welcome to crush!

    Organized by taekwondo athletes and Espoo Taekwondo Academy 14.3. in cooperation with the crushing camp, the main instructor of which is the reigning power crushing world champion Timo Jansson.

    At the camp, all 12-year-old enthusiasts get access to the secrets of crushing technology and, of course, get to crush authentic records. There is also a sales point where you can buy discs for your own training or for the club. As a bonus. at the camp you can participate in a power hitting competition, where the three best are awarded!

    35 euros (includes 6 pieces of crushing discs).
    Competition fee 5 euros, paid in cash on the spot.


    Hall of taekwondo athletes,
    Rispellottie 1A
    00390, Helsinki


    10-11:30 - Hand techniques
    11:30-12:15 – Lunch break
    12:15-13:45 – Kicking techniques
    13:45-14:00 – Break
    14:00-15:00 – Crushing track and competition



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