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Sara and Eddie to gold medals in Qatar

12.3. it was a great day for Sara and Eddie Quinones. Both won their series in the tough G1 competition in Qatar overwhelmingly. In addition, Sara crowned the day by also winning gold in the business series competition!

The club congratulates Sara, Eddie and their parents who were on the trip.

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A bunch of medals from Loviisa

The Budo Nord Open was held in Loviisa on March 12, 2016. There were successes and disappointing losses. The team's performance was quite good, although many have the potential to be much better. As one performance, our newest representative, Bardia Mirzaei, who at only 15 years old won the adult series, must be singled out. Bardi was awarded as the best male competitor.

We monitor the results:

Lauri Hulikkala D2 -40, 2nd (3 matches)
Henri Hulikkala E1 -34, 2. (1 match)
Aino Kortelainen D1 -34, 2nd (2 matches)
Frans Orjasniemi D2 -30, 2. (3 matches)
Laura Orjasniemi C2 -36, 2nd (2 matches)
Janika Tatti, D1 -34, 3rd (1 match)
Janika Tatti, C2 -36, 2nd (1 match)

League series:
Ali Pirveisi, 2nd (2 matches)
Tuikku Holopainen, 2nd (2 matches)
Tuikku Holopainen, 2nd (1 match)
Riina Korhonen, 3rd (1 match)
Aino Kortelainen, 2nd (1 match)
Emilia Lahti, 2nd (2 matches)
Emilia Lahti, 1st (2 matches)
Sami Leskinen, 3rd (2 matches)
Luca Leskinen, 3rd (1 match)
Bardia Mirzaei, 1, (2 matches)
Severi Sarala, 3rd (1 match)
Milla Väyrynen, 3rd (1 match)


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Everyone to compete at Nurmijärvi on April 16, 2016!

The already traditional Nurtzi Open will take place on April 16, 2016 in Nurmijärvi. Our club participates in the tournament with a big team. If you haven't competed yet, now is your chance. To participate in competitions, you must have a yellow belt and have completed one gym competition. There is a suitable series for everyone and the coaches give instructions during the race day.

We hope that you register in good time so that foreign competitors can register knowing that they will have competition partners. The last day of registration is 9.4. You can register either by email or if you use Slack, to the channel #kisailmot.

Competition invitation, where you can find schedules, series, addresses and other necessary information from here>>

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March belt exams

March belt exams

The first belt test of the spring season is approaching.

Children and young people aged 7-14 – Tue 15.3.

  • at 17:00-18:00 – Yellow and green ribbon finishers (8 cup – 7+ cup)
  • at 18:00-19:30 – Green belt and higher graduates (6.- kup)
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

3-6 year old children – Wed 16.3.

  • from 18:00 to 19:00
  • NOTE Those who there is no belt test now, is a joint exercise from 17:00 to 18:00

Adults – Thu 17.3.

  • from 18:30 to 20:30
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

You can take the belt test after collecting enough training marks and knowing belt-level techniques (techniques used in training) and movement sequences. The instructors calculate the training times based on the enthusiasts' own training logs and check the candidates who pass the tests from their groups. These enthusiasts will be sent a separate e-mail and told during the exercises. You can check the price lists for belt tests from here.

We require a sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Federation from all participants, which can be purchased from here.

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On spring day, the best of 2015 were awarded

On Saturday, February 27, 2016, the club's spring day was held in Konala. The program included exercises, food, information and togetherness.

Janne Rita, adult enthusiast of the year
Janne Rita, adult enthusiast of the year
The new 4th Danes, Hannu Vikström and Pauli Raivio
The new 4th Danes, Hannu Vikström and Pauli Raivio
Competitor of the year Jenna Partanen
Competitor of the year Jenna Partanen
Young Athlete of the Year Eddie Quinones
Young Athlete of the Year Eddie Quinones
Young enthusiast of the year Aino Kortelainen
Young enthusiast of the year Aino Kortelainen
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Two shifts in Tapiola and one shift in Kalajärvi have been canceled due to the skiing holiday

On Monday 22.2. and on Thursday 25.2. the exercises have been canceled in Tapiola because the schools are closed due to the skiing holiday. Training as usual on Tuesday.

Thursday 25.2. Kalajärvi school is also closed, which means training is cancelled.

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Successful SM competitions

The Taekwondo Championship took place on February 13-14. In Tampere. Success came in moderation.


Luca Leskinen, C1 -33 kg, 3rd.
Juri Mattila, C1 -53 kg, 2nd.
Eddie Quinones, C1 -57 kg, 1st.
Aino Kortelainen, C1 -29 kg, 1st and C1 -33 kg, 2nd.
Sara Quinones, C1 -33 kg, 1st.
Sara Quinones, C1 -37 kg, 3rd.
Emilia Lahti, C1 -47 kg, 1st.
Tuikku Holopainen, C1 -47 kg, 3rd.


Aleksi Väyrynen, B1 -51 kg, 2nd.
Severi Sarala, B1 -59 kg, 2nd.
Lahti Emilia, B1 -49 kg, 2nd.
Milla Väyrynen, B1 -46 kg, 3rd.


Sami Leskinen, SM -63 kg, 5th.
Pauli Raivio, SM -68 kg, 1st.
Petteri Kauppinen, SM -80 kg, 3rd.
Teemu Heino, SM +87 kg, 1st.
Jaakko Saha, SM +87 kg, 3rd.
Tanja Raivio, SM -53 kg, 2nd.
Jenna Partanen, SM -67 kg, 1st.

Business series

Men -30 years

Christian Kamphuis 3.

Women -30 years

Essi Labart 3.


Taekwondo athletes 2011 (Kamphuis, Labart) 1.

On Saturday, there was also a Tampere Cup match, where a large group of our future hopefuls performed excellent performances.

Frans Orjasniemi, D2-30 kg, 2nd.
Henri Hulikkala, E -38 kg, 3rd.
Lauri Hulikkala, D2 -40 kg, 5.
Aleksi Koskelainen, D2 -45 kg, 2nd.
Oliver Rajalin, C2 -50 kg, 2nd.
Ronnie Rajalin, H2 +80 kg, 2nd.
Sofia Sarala, D2 -30 kg, 2nd.
Jenny Vettenniemi, D2 -30 kg, 1st.
Janika Tatti, D2 -35 kg, 1st.
Aino Kortelainen, D1 -30 kg, 2nd.
Aino Kortelainen, D1 -34 kg, 2nd.
Laura Orjasniemi, C1 -36 kg, 2nd.

All WC results:

All Tampere Cup results

Link to YLE's broadcast on Areena:

All cadet Finnish Champions in a group photo.
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Early spring newsletter

The most important events of early spring can be found in the appendix below.

TU2011 announcement early spring 2016

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The club's spring day on February 27, 2016 - all included

We are organizing our club's traditional spring day on February 27, 2016 at the Konala hall, at Ruosilankuja 3C. All trainees and their close circle are welcome.


10.00 Day opening – Teemu Heino

10.30 Skill and trick practice, enthusiasts
10.30 Info and discussion with parents

12.30 – 1.30 p.m Lunch

13.30 – 14.30 Review of the coming year and awards

14.30 – 16.30 Exercise for everyone

16.30- Free socializing and serving, all adults

As usual, we offer lunch and coffee as well as refreshments for adults in the evening. So that we can reserve enough food, please inform us of your arrival on the list on the hall counter. Apprentices in Tapiola and Kalajärvi can also notify the instructor or e-mail about their participation Parents can also take exercise equipment with them, because in the afternoon we all train together!

A warm welcome,
Taekwondo athletes 2011


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