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Tapiola and Kalajärvi belt exams

Tapiola's belt exam will be held on April 25, 2016, at 5:30 p.m.

The Kalajärvi belt exam will be held on April 28, 2016, at 4:30 p.m.

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Summer camps 6-10 June 2016, 13-17 June 2016 and 8-10 August 2016

Taekwondo athletes 2011 organizes summer camps on June 6-10, 2016, June 13-17, 2016 and August 8-10, 2016.

The goal of the summer camp is to offer physical activity for 6-15 year olds. In addition, two extra exercises/day makes it possible to teach things in a more precise and versatile manner than is possible in normal weekly exercises. You can also participate without previous experience in the sport.

The hall opens at 9:00 and the exercises start at 9:30. Practices end at 3:00 p.m. and children must be picked up by 5:00 p.m. at the latest.

You can find a more detailed program in .pdf format here: summer_camps_2016

Camp prices:

6.-10.6.2016: €150 (3 days €100)

13.-17.6.2016: €150 (3 days €100)

8.-10.8.2016.: 100€

The prices include the camp and lunches and snacks every day.

Registration to:

NOTE: The camp will take place if there are 15 participants. 20 children will be admitted to the camps in order of registration.

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Excerpts from Nurmijärvi for first timers and connoisseurs

In Nurmijärvi, the historically large taekwondo competitions on a Finnish scale took place on April 16, when 456 competitors sought the brightest medals. The big teams from Sweden and Estonia had also set out to measure their Finnish rivals. So sweet victories, bitter defeats, moments of joy, exciting plays and unique experiences fit into the day of each player and team. The 20-member team of taekwondo athletes made no exception here.

Sofia and the gold medal

This time there were quite a few first timers. Atte and Essi Kortelainen, Kian Nowrouzi, Teemu Takala, Oskari Vepsä and Venne Viitaniemi all had their first contact with the national competition mats, but all had to admit that their opponent was better this time. However, the losses were few and the state of alertness was found perfectly in the shorter than usual matches. Among the adult enthusiasts, Risto Hyvärinen was also at the national championships for the first time and took a tasty victory in his opening match. In the final, however, the opponent drew a longer stroke, so Risto took home the silver.

Of the athletes who have already toured several games, the one I remember best was Sofia Sarala's extremely tight final match victory in the overtime. In Sofia's match, movement, kicking power and timing fell into place, and with this recipe, Sofia cooked herself a gold medal. The tight struggles of Janika Tati and Laura Orjasniemi also promise good things for the upcoming games.

Koutsie's well-deserved rest

The cadet series were tough as usual, but the Taekwondo athletes met the challenge in style. Bright spots were e.g. Hannes Tolonen's great opening win over his Swedish opponent and Plum Kopisto's two overwhelming wins, which paved the way to the final. Eddie Quinones cleared the table with a stylish performance in his own series, as did Aino Kortelainen. Sara Quinones' tactical and precise match won two silver medals. Ali Pirveisi, on the other hand, won his first match in show style, but had to bow out in the final after an even match to Salon's Oskari Koskinen.

Taekwondo athletes congratulate the medalists. See you in training!

Listed below are the rankings of all competitors:

  • Risto Hyvärinen H1M +80kg 2.
  • Atte Kortelainen D2 -45kg 5.-8.
  • Essi Kortelainen C2 -52kg 5.-8.
  • Aleksi Koskelainen D2 -45kg 5.-8.
  • Kian Nowrouzi D2 -40kg 9.-16.
  • Laura Orjasniemi C2-36kg 5.-8.
  • Sofia Sarala D1 -28kg 1.
  • Teemu Takala E1 -34kg 5.-8.
  • Janika Tatti D1 -34kg 3.
  • Janika Tatti C2 -36kg 3.
  • Oskari Vepsä D2 -30kg 9.-16.
  • Jenny Vettenniemi D1 -28kg 3.
  • Venne Viitaniemi D2 -30kg 9.-16.
  • Aino Kortelainen D1 -34kg 3.
  • Aino Kortelainen C1 -28kg 1.
  • Plum Kopisto C1 -41kg 2.
  • Luca Leskinen C1 -33kg 3.
  • Ali Pirveisi C1 -49kg 2.
  • Eddie Quinones C1 -57kg 1.
  • Sara Quinones C1 -33kg 2.
  • Sara Quinones C1 -37kg 2.
  • Hannes Tolonen C1 -45kg 3.
  • Bardia Mirzaei B1 -68kg 5.-8.
Luca and Plum's stretching session


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Nurmijärvi Games schedule and match times

FRIDAY 15.4.

19.00 – 20.00 Weigh-in (All series)



7.00 The competition venue is opened

7.30 – 8.00 Weigh-in E, D2 and D1 series

8.00 – 8.30 Weigh-in C1, B1 and R1 series

8.30 – 12.30 Matches E, D2 and D1 series

09.30 – 20.00 Matches C1, B1 and R1 series

10.30 – 11.00 Weigh-in C2, B2, H and S series

12:30 – 13:00 Lunch break

13.00 – 20.00 Matches C2, B2, H and S series


Match times:

E, D2, D1 and C2 series 2 x 1 min / 30 sec

B2, H and S series 2 x 1.5 min / 30 sec

C1 series 3 x 1 min / 30 sec

B1 and R1 series 3 x 1.5 min / 30 sec


There are many competitors, so match times have to be shortened.

There will be almost 400 matches during the day.


We ask that you inform us of all cancellations as soon as possible in order to make the start of the competition go smoothly.

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Late spring events and dates

"When were those belt tests anyway? Is there an indoor competition this week?" If these questions keep running through your head, don't worry. The answers can be found behind the link.

TU2011 announcement late spring 2016 

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Christian for bronze in the Presidents Cup

Christian Kamphuis won the bronze medal in the over-18 men's freestyle series at the Presidents Cup Poomsae competition in Bonn, Germany. The competition was organized by the European Taekwondo Union (ETU). In addition to freestyle, Christian (U30 Male) advanced to the finals in his individual series.

Christian performed freestyle for the first time and a completely new choreography was created the week before the competition in cooperation with the help of the national team's head coach Heikki Liukkonen.

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The results of the Pori Games

TU11 went to Pori with a smaller team than usual. The long journey and the coming race rush reduced the size of the group.


Lauri Hulikkala D2P -45 kg, silver

Aino Kortelainen D1T -34 kg, bronze

Aino Kortelainen C1T -29 kg, gold

Henri Hulikkala E1P -38 kg, silver

Jenny Vettenniemi D1T -28 kg, silver

Methasit Kopisto C1P -44 kg, bronze

Emilia Lahti C1T -51 kg, gold

Emilia Lahti B1T -49 kg, gold

Luca Leskinen C1P -33 kg, bronze

Sara Quinones C1T -33 kg, gold

Sara Quinones C1T -37 kg, silver

Tuikku Holopainen C1T -47 kg, bronze

Severi Sarala B1P -63 kg, bronze

Eddie Quinones C1P -61 kg, gold

Eddie Quinones C1P -57 kg, gold

Business series

Methasit Kopisto cadets, boys

Sara Quinones, Cadets, Girls

Aino Kortelainen, blue belt, women

Aino Kortelainen, green-belted, lynx girls

Pairs, lynx
Sara Quinones and Aino Kortelainen

All results and charts on the website of the Finnish Taekwondo Association >>

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Indoor competitions 1.4.

This time, indoor competitions are held on the first Friday of the month, April 1.
As usual, participation is free for everyone. Indoor competitions are a good opportunity to gain match experience, for example, before the first national competitions. All those who even thought about their participation in the Nurmijärvi Games on 16.4., have nothing but Mars indoor games to warm up for the first time, and get your name on the lists!

17:00-19:00 – E, D, and C2

19:00-21:00 – C1, B1, A1 and H (can be started on a rolling basis even earlier at the end of the junnum races)

Note! No other exercises will be organized on the day of the Salika competition.

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No training at Easter

Thursday 24.3. no exercises are organized in Tapiola and Kalajärvi. We practice normally in Konala.

Friday 25.3., Saturday 26.3., Sunday 27.3. and on Monday 28.3. no trainings are organized in Tapiola or Konala.

Happy Easter!

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Thursday 24.3. Trainings in Tapiola and Kalajärvi have been cancelled

On Maundy Thursday, March 24, 2016, there are no evening shifts in Espoo schools. Therefore, exercises are not organized. Enthusiasts can replace the training in Konala on 23.3. or 24.3. in Konala.

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