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May belt exams

May belt exams

The second belt test of the spring season is approaching.

Children and young people aged 7-14 – Tue 17.5.

  • at 17:00-18:00 – Yellow and green ribbon finishers (8 cup – 7+ cup)
  • at 18:00-20:00 – Green belt and higher graduates (6.- kup)
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

3-6 year old children – Wed 18.5.

  • from 17:00 to 18:00
  • NOTE Those who there is no belt test now, is a joint exercise at 18:00.19:00

Adults – Thu 19.3.

  • from 18:30 to 20:30
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual


When can I take the belt test? ◦

  • When I know the required techniques and movement sequences well enough. The teachers will tell you when you are ready ◦
  • I have more practice visits than the minimum number requires. Remember to record your visit! ◦
  • I have practiced at my belt level longer than the minimum time required ◦
  • I have a valid sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Association.


All those participating in the exam will be informed about it by email. The list can also be seen at the director's desk in the hall.

You can check the price lists for belt tests from here.

We require a sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Federation from all participants, which can be purchased from here.

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Sara Quinones was the princess of Day 2 at the Berlin Open


Sara Quinones was the best TU competitor on day 2 of the Berlin Open. She took gold in the girls' category, defeating the Catalan champion in the final.

Plum, Luca and Aino missed their first matches. Tuikku fought well, but lost his second match in the overtime.

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A tough show on the 1st day of the Berlin Open

The Berlin Open gathered more than 1,000 competitors in the German capital. On the first day, TU11 took a big catch.

Among the competitors, Eddie Quinones had the best performance, who competed higher than his normal division in the cadet boys under 61 kilos. The two Poles had only come to lose. So a clear series win for Eddie and a nose to cheek for the final opponent.

In the movement series, all participants took medals, while Aino Kortelainen and Luca Leskinen took silver in the pair series, and Sara Quinones and Plum Kopisto took bronze. Aino strengthened Austria's group of three, resulting in a series win.

In their matches, Sami Leskinen and Severi Sarala missed the first round and Emilia Lahti the second. However, the performances were good. Berlin Open 2017 will surely be a medal race for them too.

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Aino robbed Latvia's silver reserves

Aino was very successful in Latvian competitions. The team congratulates! Below is Aino's father Justus' race report:

Aino Kortelainen represented Taekwondo athletes as the only Finn at the Baltic OlympicTaekwondo Cup tournament held in Venstspils, Latvia, on May Day 2016. Aino's career began in the girls -29 kg (b. 2007-2008) series with a 5-1 victory over the representative of Latvia's Musado. In this match, Aino scored for the first time in his tournament career with a back spin kick, which cost the coach-sponsor father one Oreo shake. Marila Sheremet from Russia's Baltic Federation of Korean Martial Arts club competed in the series final. Although Aino dominated the match, the Russian took 3 points with a clean back kick in the third set when Aino was pressing. The final result of the match was 0-3, and thus the victory of the series for the Russian. For Aino to take home a silver medal and a lesson that even a defensive technique ("only" even if the armor is hit) can produce 3 points and turn the course of the match in an instant.

In the upper weight category (girls-32 kg born in 2007-2008), Aino faced Vladislava Mochalina of Latvia's Hansu Sport Club in the first round. The actual Match Time ended in a 1-1 tie, but in overtime Aino controlled his nerves nicely and took the win with a clear majority of points. In the final, the opponent was a familiar girl, Karina Voloshina from Latvia's TAE-FUN, to whom Aino narrowly lost 2-0 at the Riga Open in the fall of 2015. The fight was again tight and even, after the end of the third set, the scoreboard showed 2-3 in favor of Karina. So another silver medal for Aino.

Last matches Aino competed in the -29 kg girls' (born 2005-2006) series with head contact. In the qualifying match, Aino took a 3-0 lead in the first set, but in the second set, Latvian Amanda Troshchenko made it 3-2. In the third set, Aino tolerated the nervous pressure brought by the tight situation much better than his father, and won 3-2 after a scoreless last set. In the final, Aino faced Ljubova Saharenkova (LAT Hansu sport club). At the end of the first period, the Latvian was awarded three points for a header, but Aino signaled to his father, who was sitting on the coach's bench with his eyes closed, that the kick hit his shoulder. Card up and points off! Children, communicate with your coaches and parents, not forgetting friends! However, Ljubova canceled out the points right at the beginning of the second set with a sharp roundhouse kick to the temple. In the final match, the Latvian chased Ainoa around the field, but due to strict hand interference and active movement, the rest of the match remained scoreless. However, the third silver medal with a score of 0-3 can be considered quite a fight win against a fighter who is only one and a half heads taller.

On the way home, Aino left with six matches - three wins and three losses - and three silver medals worse. We did not notify the customs authorities of these imports. The most important lesson of the tournament was that the same oxygen-rich air is breathed in the Baltics as in Russia and in the regions around Konalan!

Aino and the police cow II

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EC Camp 12.-15.5. causes changes in training times

Thursday 12.5. and on Friday 13.5. national team training starts at 19:00. On Thursday, Jari's match training lasts only one hour (17.00-18.00) and a joint training is held for adults (18.00-19.00). On Friday, the advanced and advanced groups for young people will be combined (17.00-18.00) and for adults a joint workout (18.00-19.00).

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Summer timetables 2016


TU11_practice schedule_summer_2016

This summer schedule will be introduced on June 6, 2016, and we will return to the normal schedule on August 15, 2016.

The hall is closed on weeks 28 and 29, i.e. 11-24 July 2016

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The hall is closed on Thursday, Friday 6 May 2016 free shift 17.00-19.00

On Holy Thursday, the hall is closed.

Friday 6.5. free shift 17:00-19:00.

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Training in Tapiola and Kalajärvi will end in April.

Tapiola's training sessions end in April and we return to training in September. We thank all enthusiasts for the past training season.

During the summer, Tapiola enthusiasts can participate in basic exercises 3 times a week. Similarly, Kalajärvi enthusiasts can participate in basic exercises once a week.

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Indoor competitions on Friday 29.4.

Salikis night again on Friday 29.4.
As usual, participation is free for everyone, and there is no need to register separately.

17:00-19:00 – E, D, and C2

19:00-21:00 – C1, B1, A1 and H (can be started on a rolling basis even earlier at the end of the junnum races)

Note! No other exercises will be organized on the day of the Salika competition.

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German Open gold, silver and bronze.

The medal haul for taekwondo athletes was moderately strong from the German Open held on April 23 and 24, 2016.

Emilia Lahti took gold with three wins. Hard work, but the reward was worth it.

Eddie Quinones lost the gold in the golden point round. The opponent was a tough American.

Tuikku Holopainen pushed for bronze with two match wins and one loss. All matches were decided in golden point.

Severi Sarala lost his match and was thus placed 5-8. A great opening when the score was 14-13.

The only adult representative, Jenna Partanen, also missed her opening match, but she had a lot of thoughts on finishing up for the European Championships.

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