
Results from Spain

Spanish open taekwondo
Teemu Heino, men +87 kg
Teemu Heino – Oleg Kuznetsov (RUS) 2-5

The match was decided by the Russian's main hit point, from which the Finns picked up the Video Replay card in vain, the video referee saw the hit. After the match, Kuznetsov came to tell Teemu that he didn't think he hit, and therefore didn't earn any points either.

Kuznetsov is the reigning winner of the Spanish Open.

Oleg Kuznetsov in Taekwondodata>>

Saturday's results>>

Sophia Vassilaki, cadet girls – 44 kilos
Sophia Vassilaki – Marta Oliver Hernandez (ESP) XX-XX, defeat for Sophia

The Spaniard got one armor hit and one questionable head hit more.

Hernandez is 3rd in the Cadet EC and last year's silver medalist at the Spanish Open.

Hernandez in Taekwondodata>>

Other Finns

Eevi Huuskonen from the Espoo Hwarang Team lost to Paula Cerro Alvarado (ESP) in the cadet girls under 41 kg category. Roosa Torttila from Riihimäki Taekwondo won the opening round of Uliana Chernova from Russia in the girls under 59 kg category. In the second round, Sweden's Emelie Lundberg fell and at the same time secured at least a bronze medal. In the semi-final, Norway's Frida Thorsoe was better and Roosa got the bronze medal.

All the Finns mentioned above are coached by our own sons Teemu Heino and Juho Ranta.

In addition, Raisi's Iida Tammila competed in the cadet girls' -29 kg category, where she lost her first match to the Spanish representative.

Charts and results:


Indoor competition for taekwondo athletes 14.5.

taekwondoTuesday 14.5. the club's indoor competitions are organized on Tuesdays during normal training shifts so that 7-10-year-olds and 11-15-year-olds compete at 17:00-19:00. Both beginners and advanced group members can come and compete for the whole two hours, but it doesn't matter if you can only come for one hour.

Scoring takes place in the traditional way.

After the children, the adults get to play from 19:00 onwards. Even adults, regardless of age, size and belt rank. Everyone can try the match with their own level of resistance.

Everyone is welcome to the event. The event is free for TU11 fans, others will be charged 10 euros


Talks of taekwondo athletes 19.5.

Among other things, such a mark was created in 2012
Among other things, such a mark was created in 2012
Talks improve the comfort of the hall

In the taekwondo athletes' workshops, the hall is enhanced and the places are put in order. Welcome to help! We start at ten and hustle until the hustle and bustle is over. Coffee, juice and the like are available.

Please bring your doboks, because we will again take pictures to use in the club's communication.


Kicking camp for taekwondo athletes 18.5.

Petteri Kauppinen and Renne Komulainen (HTKD), photographer Jari Tattari
Petteri Kauppinen instructs hobbyists of all ages and skill levels on making kicks

Petteri is known for his excellent kicking technique and positive training approach. At this camp, Petteri guides the proper execution and training of kicking techniques. Petter is assisted by other instructors of Taekwondo athletes.


The goal of the camp is to learn how to warm up and prepare the body in a suitable way for kicking. Another goal is to learn to practice and develop kicking technique. The things of the camp are learned in three exercises, where the theory is put into practice.


10.00-11.00 How to warm up for kick training?
11.30-13.00 Round kick
14.00-16.00 Back kick

The camp is intended for all enthusiasts and its price is 20 euros. For those participating in the next day's talks for our enthusiasts the price of the camp is 10 euros. There is an equipment sale and a cafe.


Kalajärvi taekwondo course students' belt tests

Kalajärvi belt test
Teemu shows the batting model to the belt players

The belt exams for Kalajärvi's taekwondo courses were held yesterday, April 25, 2013, and a total of 16 eager test takers achieved the new belt value in the exam. Six trainees achieved the yellow belt, i.e. 8th kup belt rank, and the remaining ten trainees were graduated to the 7th kup belt rank, i.e. the first green natsa. Teemu Heino 4th dan and Juho Ranta 2nd dan received the belt test. In the opinion of both teachers, the belt exam went exemplary for the group as a whole and there was no need to doubt anyone getting a new belt rank. Teemu and Juho congratulate everyone who got a new belt rank!!!

The next belt exams in Kalajärvi will be held at the end of the autumn courses, near the end of the year, when those who have been practicing for the longest time will have the opportunity to pass the belt exam with a 7th+ kup belt value, i.e. get another green natsa on their belt. Participating in this belt test, however, also requires going to training at Konala's gym during the summer or fall. This is due to the fact that as the belt value increases, the amount of practice required before participating in the test also increases, and the practices are only held once a week in Kalajärvi. There is so much to learn before the next belt test that practicing once a week is not enough.

Next week in Kalajärvi, the last exercises of the spring season courses will be held before the summer break, so come and train everyone!


Taekwondo athletes' early summer events

taekwondo summer

The year 2013 for taekwondo athletes continues to be lively.

Practices are also organized in the summer, except for two weeks of vacation. In addition, there are camps, competition nights and we go to belt exams.
Untitled Docum


Because What To whom Where Additional information
26.4. Test day All TU11 Hall 7-15 year olds from 17-19, Adults from 19-21. The tests measure skillful and physical properties. From the results, you get important information about your strengths and areas that can be improved.
29.4. Belt test 3-6 year olds TU11 Hall Beginner group at 5 pm and advanced group at 6 pm. More information from Petter
30.4.-1.5. First of May All TU11 Hall No workouts.
3.5. Belt test 7-15-year-olds TU11 Hall White and yellow belts at 5 p.m. Upper belts at 6 p.m. Secure your own situation from Juho or Sampo. Those who come to the belt test must have a valid license and have paid the training fee. The license can be obtained directly here:
9.5. Ascension Day All TU11 Hall No workouts.
11.5. Match competitions For all those who have competed before Pori Registration 4.5. by at the service desk. Also let us know if you need a ride or if you have extra seats in the car.
14.5. Indoor competitions All TU11 Hall Children and young people at 17-19, Adults over 16 years old. At 19-21
15.5. Belt test 3-6 year olds TU11 Hall Retake exam for those who do not pass the first exam.
18.5. Camp All TU11 Hall A camp organized by Petter, about which more information will follow shortly.
19.5. Bee All TU11 Hall Let's do a spring cleaning in the gym and enhance the places. Food available, for participants also the previous day's camp at half price.
21.5. and 23.5. Belt test Adults TU11 Hall The belt exams for the beginner group will be held on 21.5. The examination for the advanced group is conducted in two parts, 21.5 and 23.5. to normal training time.
25.5. PM competitions All Kiskallio, Lohja Go cheer on TU's own competitors or register at the service desk as a volunteer to organize competitions.
3.6.-7.6 Children's summer camp 6-14 year olds TU11 Hall The first 20 will be included. You can register by email or directly to the instructor
3.6.-15.8 Summer training times All TU11 Hall Training times are the same as in spring, but there are no trainings on Fridays. On Monday, the adult groups and the match group are held as a combined outdoor practice
8.6. Ancillary training seminar All TU11 Hall At the camp, tips are given for summer training and proper techniques are advised.
8.7.-26.7. Summer break All TU11 Hall Normal exercises are not organized during the summer break. The gym is open for voluntary training on Tuesdays and Thursdays at between 18-20.

Taekwondo athletes wish an active spring and summer!


As a host family for an exchange student who enjoys taekwondo?

YFU is looking for a host family for a German boy who enjoys taekwondo. If you are interested, ask Sampo for more information.


Taekwondo athletes will be on holiday on April 30. and 1.5.

May Day Helsinki TaekwondoPractices are not organized. We wish everyone a happy holiday!


At the taekwondo athletes' camp, the resistances were knotted

taekwondoJari Seppälä and Juho Kostiainen guided enthusiasts into the secrets of trickery and confusion

The theme of the day was fooling the opponent and practicing it. Juho Kostiainen led the morning warm-up workouts, which included various games that develop the ability to fool around and react correctly. In addition, the same concepts were extended to match situation exercises.

In the afternoon, Jari Seppälä continued to talk about the topic. Jari brought his long experience as a coach to the use of the trainees, and everyone left the camp with a backpack full of new things to think about.

In terms of the number of participants, the camp was slightly smaller than usual, did the nice spring weather attract people to other woods?


Invictus testing on April 26, 2012

INVICTUS TAEKWONDODo you want to help develop a program to the top of taekwondo? Take part in the testing organized on Friday, April 26, 2012. All tests are easy to perform and measure physical characteristics, general exercise skills and sports skills. Based on the tests being organized now, the test battery will be evaluated with an eye on the autumn selection tests. The fall Invictus selection tests will be the same, so it's worth coming now to get a feel for the tests and at the same time you can assess your own development needs.


17.00-19.00 Children under 16 who are not yet training in a competition group
19.00-21.00 Over 16 and juniors training in a competition group

The tests are free and intended for all our own enthusiasts.

To participate in the tests, fill out the downloadable form below. The PDF can be printed and filled out by hand. You can send the Excel file to the club's email

INIVICTUS test form as a PDF file>>

INVICTUS test form as an Excel file>>

You can also fill out the form in the gym.


Taekwondo athletes also wants to be a club that produces top sports, and INVICTUS is a tool to realize this goal. You can join the program if you fulfill e.g. the following criteria:

  • You have match experience
  • You are ready to commit to the program
  • You will reach the required score limits in the autumn tests
See the presentation of the program here>>
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