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Registration for the early spring games

Early spring domestic competitions:

4.3. Loviisa Open (match) - Registrations no later than 23.2.

11.3. Lohja Open (business series) - Registration no later than 2.3..

1.4. Nurtzi Open (match) - Registrations no later than 23.3.

8.4. Kuopio Open (business series) – Registration no later than 30.3.

You can and should participate in competitions, even if you have no experience other than indoor competitions. There are series for everyone at their own level, both in the match and movement series competitions, and the coaches are happy to help with mind-boggling questions. So don't hesitate, feel free to sign up!

Registration for all competitions: When registering, include your name, date of birth, belt rank and current weight (match only). In the return mail of your registration, you will receive more detailed instructions about the games and how to prepare for them.

The easiest way to find the times of competitions and other events is to search for Taekwondo athletes timeline.

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Indoor competitions on Friday 27.1.

The first indoor competitions of the spring season are held on Friday 27.1

Participation is free for everyone, and you do not need to register separately. Competitors from outside the club are also warmly welcome.

17:00-19:00 – E, D, and C2 (9-12-year-olds and 12-14-year-old beginners)

18:00-19:00 5-6 year olds have their own skills competition

19:00-21:00 – C1, B1, B2, R1 and H (12-14-year-old cadets, +15-year-olds)

If you are not sure which group you should join, feel free to contact the coaches. In particular, it is worth asking for the larger C2 shunts if more suitable resistors could be found in a later shift. We encourage all new enthusiasts to participate in the games, even if they don't even know what competing means. The first time you can look at the moods or even try it yourself if you feel like it.

You can borrow the missing protectors from the club, but we recommend everyone to buy their own training protectors. Ask more from the gym's equipment store and coaches.

Note! No other exercises will be organized on the day of the Salika competition.

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Events of the beginning of the year

Taekwondo athletes' first wave newsletter

It's time to get back to training routines again. There have been some small schedule changes for spring, which you should check practice times from the side. In the newsletter below, you will find the most important information and dates that you should mark in your calendar.

tu2011-information-early spring-2017

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Christmas break and spring practice times

Taekwondo athletes on vacation during Christmas

Christmas break is celebrated in Konala 22.12.2016-8.1.2017, when normal exercises are not organized in the gym. Competition groups will be informed separately about practice and exercises during the break.

Spring training calendar

The exercises will continue in the spring with minor changes. The changes aim to optimize the use of coach resources and space in the gym. That's why seasonal adjustment to real group sizes etc. is of paramount importance. In the picture below you can view the spring training calendar, and at the end of the news you will find the changes listed.


  • A new exercise for adults is a self-defense exercise on Wednesday evening. The goal of the exercise is to apply taekwondo techniques to practice the most common self-defense situations
  • The amateur match will be moved to Monday evening from Wednesday
  • Body control and acrobatics will be moved to Thursdays from Wednesday
  • Monday practice for 5-6 year olds is moved to Friday
  • The elementary and advanced groups of 7-9 year olds now train at the same time on Wednesdays and Fridays. The same also applies to groups of 10-15 year olds. Previously, the skill groups of both age groups practiced at the same time.
  • Baby aekwondo moves to Wednesday from Thursday
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A huge haul of trophies from the Ambassador's Cup

The Ambassador's Cup, organized for the second time, gathered taekwondo people to compete both in movement series and in a match in Vantaa's Tikkurila on November 12, 2016. Taekwondo athletes had a strong representation in both forms of competition, and we can be very satisfied with the day's performances.

Competitors at a good pace

The taekwondo athletes had no fewer than 29 representatives in the match series, so there was enough excitement for the whole day. The huge trophy haul shows that there were enough top moments and successes. A busy coach doesn't quite notice all the tricks, but at least Paul remembered Venne's gutsy three-win fight for a series win, Lauri's accurate spot-kicks, Iines' ferocious kicking power, Jenny's tremendous self-confidence, Janika's tactical skills, Plum's solid work ethic, Aleksi's will to win, Bardia's struggle against the Estonian hurray, and Jaden's , Markus and Kaisla's brave first contact on the national competition mats. Many other things also fell into place, and as said, one coach's eye is not enough to see everyone.

Sampo, Pauli, Juho, Riina, Petteri and Teemu were responsible for the coaching on the match side. The exchange of words between the coaches after the games was very positive. As the season draws to a close, many goals can already be considered fulfilled for the fall. Another big thank you from the coaching team to all the competitors and congratulations on your success!

An efficient and stylish team in the business series

The team of taekwondo athletes got in shape for competition under the treatment of the team's official stylist, Somporn Kopisto. The team was easily the most stylish of the games and there was no doubt about their efficiency. The coaches are Juho Ranta and Essi Labart. Of course, Essi managed to grab gold in both of his series before this. In general, the upswing of business series athletes that continued throughout the fall continued again at the Ambassador's Cup. Essi was satisfied and proud of the team's performance, and Juhokaa did not spare hyperbole in his later report.

The club and the coaching team congratulate the winners!

Janika Sophia  Hairstyle you guysplum

Special thanks to Subaru, who provided the team with subs at the end of the race! #hankssubaru

All rankings

Contestant / Match series Investment
Venne Viitaniemi D2 – Kids -30 Kg 1.
Venne Viitaniemi D2 – Kids -35 Kg 9.
Lauri Hulikkala C2 – Kids -44 Kg


Henri Hulikkala D2 – Kids -40kg


Iines Korhonen D2 – Kids -30 Kg


Jenny Vettenniemi D1 – Kids -30 Kg


Sofia Sarala D1 – Kids -30 Kg


Sofia Sarala D1 – Kids -28 Kg


Aino Kortelainen D1 – Kids -30 Kg


Janika Tatti D1 – Kids -37 Kg


Janika Tatti C2 – Kids -36 Kg


Markus Liuko E1 – Kids -26 Kg 9.
Frans Orjasniemi D2 – Kids -35 Kg 5.
Aleksi Koskelainen D2 – Kids -45 Kg 1.
Kaisla Seimola D2 – Kids -30 Kg


Jade Salko C2 – Kids -42 Kg


Plum Duplicator C1 – Cadets -41 Kg


Plum Duplicator C1 – Cadets -45 Kg


Ali Pirveisi C1 – Cadets -53 Kg


Bardia Mirzaei R1 – Seniors -68 Kg


Aino Kortelainen C1 – Cadets -33 Kg


Emilia Lahti C1 – Cadets -51 Kg


Emilia Lahti B1 – Juniors -52 Kg


Luca Leskinen C1 – Cadets -33 Kg


Luca Leskinen C1 – Cadets -37 Kg


Jenny Vettenniemi C1 – Cadets -29 Kg


Severi Sarala B1 – Juniors -63 Kg


Sara Quinones C1 – Cadets -41 Kg


Tuikku Holopainen C1 – Cadets -47 Kg


Competitor / Business series Medal place
Plum Duplicator Cadets Male 3.
Christian Kamphuis U30 Chess 2.
Essi Labart U30 Female 1.
Aino Kortelainen Kids Blue Female 2.
Bella Buri Kids Green Female 2.
Victoria Hentunen Kids Green Female
Sofia Sarala Kids Blue Female 3.
Aino Kortelainen Blue Belts Female 1
Sara Quinones Kids Red-Black Female 2.
Essi Labart & Christian Kamphuis U30 Pair 1.
Bella Buuri & Victoria Hentunen Kids Pair 3.
Aino Kortelainen & Sofia Sarala Kids Pair
Sara Quinones & Mia Knuttson (Espoo Hwarang Team) Kids Pair 1.
Bella, Victoria, Sofia Kids Team
Aino, Sara, Mia (Espoo Hwarang Team) Kids Team 1.
Christian Kamhuis Freestyle 1.



Autumn training times (updated 9 August)

The final touches to the autumn training calendar have been made. Changes were made on 9.8. for Wednesday, so that the competition group of the match would not have three late shifts in a row.

The autumn training calendar comes into effect on Monday 15.8. It has changed from the spring season calendar, not only in terms of practice times but also group divisions. The aim of the changes is to serve customers as comprehensively as possible, so that everyone can practice in a suitably sized group with fellow enthusiasts of the same age and level. A wide range of in-depth exercises guarantees the opportunity to develop at your own pace, whether the goal is in elite sports or personal development.

Last version_S2016


It is easy to check the group divisions in the following table. You can find your own group at the intersection of age and belt value.

Group divisions_s2016

The coaches are happy to answer all questions about schedules and group divisions. You can also send an email to or call 0451827290.

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Great medal haul for Christian and Ess from Holland

Taekwondo athletes Christian Kamphuis showed his nails at the Dutch Open of the business series at the weekend. The brightest medal was won by Christian from the over 18 freestyle series. The silver was hung around the neck in the very tough U30 individual series. Left behind, e.g. Switzerland's Steve Marro, who leads the ETU ranking. Värisuora was completed with bronze in the U30 doubles series with Essi. Essi sadly missed the final in his own U30 individual series, finishing ninth in the competition. The coach on the trip was Heikki Liukkonen, the club's representative and the head coach of the business league national team.

The club congratulates the medalists on a great race trip!


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Aino robbed Latvia's silver reserves

Aino was very successful in Latvian competitions. The team congratulates! Below is Aino's father Justus' race report:

Aino Kortelainen represented Taekwondo athletes as the only Finn at the Baltic OlympicTaekwondo Cup tournament held in Venstspils, Latvia, on May Day 2016. Aino's career began in the girls -29 kg (b. 2007-2008) series with a 5-1 victory over the representative of Latvia's Musado. In this match, Aino scored for the first time in his tournament career with a back spin kick, which cost the coach-sponsor father one Oreo shake. Marila Sheremet from Russia's Baltic Federation of Korean Martial Arts club competed in the series final. Although Aino dominated the match, the Russian took 3 points with a clean back kick in the third set when Aino was pressing. The final result of the match was 0-3, and thus the victory of the series for the Russian. For Aino to take home a silver medal and a lesson that even a defensive technique ("only" even if the armor is hit) can produce 3 points and turn the course of the match in an instant.

In the upper weight category (girls-32 kg born in 2007-2008), Aino faced Vladislava Mochalina of Latvia's Hansu Sport Club in the first round. The actual Match Time ended in a 1-1 tie, but in overtime Aino controlled his nerves nicely and took the win with a clear majority of points. In the final, the opponent was a familiar girl, Karina Voloshina from Latvia's TAE-FUN, to whom Aino narrowly lost 2-0 at the Riga Open in the fall of 2015. The fight was again tight and even, after the end of the third set, the scoreboard showed 2-3 in favor of Karina. So another silver medal for Aino.

Last matches Aino competed in the -29 kg girls' (born 2005-2006) series with head contact. In the qualifying match, Aino took a 3-0 lead in the first set, but in the second set, Latvian Amanda Troshchenko made it 3-2. In the third set, Aino tolerated the nervous pressure brought by the tight situation much better than his father, and won 3-2 after a scoreless last set. In the final, Aino faced Ljubova Saharenkova (LAT Hansu sport club). At the end of the first period, the Latvian was awarded three points for a header, but Aino signaled to his father, who was sitting on the coach's bench with his eyes closed, that the kick hit his shoulder. Card up and points off! Children, communicate with your coaches and parents, not forgetting friends! However, Ljubova canceled out the points right at the beginning of the second set with a sharp roundhouse kick to the temple. In the final match, the Latvian chased Ainoa around the field, but due to strict hand interference and active movement, the rest of the match remained scoreless. However, the third silver medal with a score of 0-3 can be considered quite a fight win against a fighter who is only one and a half heads taller.

On the way home, Aino left with six matches - three wins and three losses - and three silver medals worse. We did not notify the customs authorities of these imports. The most important lesson of the tournament was that the same oxygen-rich air is breathed in the Baltics as in Russia and in the regions around Konalan!

Aino and the police cow II

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Late spring events and dates

"When were those belt tests anyway? Is there an indoor competition this week?" If these questions keep running through your head, don't worry. The answers can be found behind the link.

TU2011 announcement late spring 2016 


Taekwondo birthdays

Taekwondo birthdays in Konala

Taekwondo athletes organize taekwondo birthday parties at their gym in Konala. Check the link for an ad with more information about birthdays and how to organize birthdays at the gym.


Best regards

Taekwondo athletes 2011

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