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March belt exams

March belt exams

The first belt test of the spring season is approaching.

Children and young people aged 7-14 – Tue 15.3.

  • at 17:00-18:00 – Yellow and green ribbon finishers (8 cup – 7+ cup)
  • at 18:00-19:30 – Green belt and higher graduates (6.- kup)
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

3-6 year old children – Wed 16.3.

  • from 18:00 to 19:00
  • NOTE Those who there is no belt test now, is a joint exercise from 17:00 to 18:00

Adults – Thu 17.3.

  • from 18:30 to 20:30
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

You can take the belt test after collecting enough training marks and knowing belt-level techniques (techniques used in training) and movement sequences. The instructors calculate the training times based on the enthusiasts' own training logs and check the candidates who pass the tests from their groups. These enthusiasts will be sent a separate e-mail and told during the exercises. You can check the price lists for belt tests from here.

We require a sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Federation from all participants, which can be purchased from here.

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On Sunday, there is a free shift in the gym and a competition stand

Competitive spirit and sparring

Those who are not going all the way to Turkey to experience the Olympic qualifiers can come over the weekend to watch Teemu and Suvi's preliminaries on the large TV screen in the hall. Along with the grandstand, the hall's carpet and equipment are freely available for independent training. Those looking for sparring opponents should be there around 12-2pm, when a free-form sparring ring is held. Juice, coffee and small snacks are also available.

The matches of the qualifying tournament start at 10:00, when the hall doors also open. The hall will be occupied as long as there are Finns participating in the tournament, but at least until 15:00. You should also watch Jenna and Toni's matches on Saturdays from home!

Welcome aboard!

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The spring season for taekwondo athletes starts on January 11.

The spring season starts fast

Taekwondo athletes' training is still on break for Epiphany week, but on Monday 11.1. training will start again as usual. There have been small changes in the practice times, which you can check from here. Tapiola's shifts will also continue with the same schedules as in the fall. Kalajärvi the spring course starts on Thursday 21.1.

The gym elves knew how to tell that the most enthusiastic trainers couldn't bear to stay away from the taekwondo mats during the Christmas holidays. A group of young competitors of Taekwondo athletes camped in Madrid in a tough company. You can read about their struggles from here. The ceiling height of the own hall was also tested on 27.12. at the organized skill and jump kick camp. The camp was attended by belt ranks from 10th cup to 4th dan and the age range was 7-45 years. Still, despite the starting level, everyone learned a lot of new ways to use their body versatilely.

At the same time, Jenna Partanen and Teemu Heino have finished their preparations for the European Olympic qualifiers, which will be held on January 16-17. in Istanbul, Turkey. Go read Teemu's thoughts from here and liking Jenna's athlete page here! Sampo Pajulampi and Juho Ranta will also go on the trip as support troops. Juho works as the team's physiotherapist. Our club is therefore quite strongly represented at the most important taekwondo event in Europe at the beginning of the year. We will hear more about this trip later!

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Spring training calendar for taekwondo athletes

Some changes to spring practice times

As the autumn season is still coming to an end, we are already looking to the future. Konala's spring training calendar has been edited. Due to the characteristics of our sport, the size of the groups, the age distribution and the distribution of belts live constantly, which forces us to check the training calendar again every time the season ends. Some of the changes are due, for example, to the fact that during the fall two groups practicing at the same time have grown so big that the gym is starting to get small for both. Some, on the other hand, have their roots in the instructors' scheduling issues. For the sake of clarity, the group in which the enthusiast should train at any given time is listed below.


Group Level Hobbyists
0-3 Babies, toddlers and toddlers See the descriptions in more detail on the groups' own pages
3-6 Rudiments Beginners, one sleeve label owners
Sequel Two sleeve badges and from the yellow belt upwards
7-14 Rudiments White and yellow belts
Sequel Yellow belts with one or two green ribbons
Advanced Green belts and higher belt values
14+ Rudiments White and yellow belts
Sequel Green and blue belts
Advanced Red and black belts
Match All Everyone from yellow upwards who are interested in the match
Elite A competitive team striving for international success
Business series Buff Everyone who is interested in practicing movement sequences
Race group Business series competitions are attended by enthusiasts and athletes

Schedule_spring2016Spring practice times


Indoor competitions on Friday 18.12.

The autumn season of taekwondo athletes ends with indoor competitions

The last indoor competitions of the autumn season will be held on Friday 18.12. This time, the participant lists will not be collected in more detail in advance, but you can ask the instructors for the latest information about possible opponents. As before, visiting clubs are warmly welcome to join. The schedule is familiar:

17:00-19:00 – E, D, and C2

19:00-21:00 – C1, B1, A1 and H (can be started on a rolling basis even earlier at the end of the junnum races)

17:00-18:00 – skills competition for 3-6 year olds (both TU11 groups combined)

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Christmas break training camp

You don't have to spend the whole Christmas break

The taekwondo athletes' gym will celebrate the Christmas holiday from the usual training calendar from 19.12 to 10.1. However, this does not mean that the only option is to fortify yourself in the corner of the sofa with a mug of mulled wine and ham leftovers. On Sunday 27.12. kick-ass entertainment and sweat cranberries are offered in the gym, in the spirit of a traditional mid-day training camp. The camp is intended for all enthusiasts over the age of eight, regardless of skill level or age. Usually, the camp has had a large turnout for both adults and children. This year's themes are acrobatics and jumping kicks.


10:00-11:00 Workout 1 – Warming up, body control and acrobatics
11:00-12:00 Snack break. Bring your own snacks
12:00-13:00 Training 2 – Skill kicks and special kicks
13:00-13:30 Coffee break
13:30-14:30 Exercise 3 – Jumping kicks
14:30-15:00 Final stretch

Price: €20, paid in cash or by invoice afterwards

Registration: Applications to Enter your name, age, club and belt rank when registering. Registration no later than 25.12.

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The coach's thoughts and ideas about the belt tests

A lot has happened this week in terms of belt tests. Even so much that I myself have passed the exam again after a long time. On Thursday, Teemu held dankokes for Paul, Tanja and Hannu. I myself was honored to participate in the test in the role of sparring partner. I got to pair up with Hannu in step matches and a match. Then I also got to remember what it feels like to fight two against one, when Pauli and Hannu and I put each other in a tight spot. It was very nice to see how many high-level friends we have in the company as instructors and how they became official taekwondo teachers after the exam, when they reached 4th degree black belts. Although here I wrote more about Hannu and Paul, we should not forget Tanja as well, who also showed very good skills. It's just that I didn't get to pair up with Tanja this time, so those analyzes were thinner for Tanja.

You will try the portrait of Saturday 5 December 2015
You will try out in the portrait on Saturday 5 December 2015

I mentioned at the beginning that I also passed the exam this week, when on Saturday I had the 5th degree black belt exam at the Helsinki club gym. The test was received by Henri Nordenswan and Jari Hintsanen. I myself have completed all my black belt exams with Henka, except for the first one. I took my 1 Dan exam for the belt college at the time in 2003. You can conclude from the year numbers that the number of exams decreases the further you get in your taekwondo career. This is the message I want to bring to all of you enthusiastic enthusiasts and parents of enthusiasts. The same formula also applies to colored belts. At first, there are always tests for the color belt at the end of the season, but their number also decreases as the color of the belt darkens. Taekwondo enthusiasts should remember that it's a completely different thing to take the exams for a yellow belt than for a blue belt. Practicing Taekwondo requires perseverance and patience. When you can train for a long time and a lot, those belts will come from there.

Testers and teachers

Then we'll get to the opportunity to try it ourselves. One thing that is the same in all exams, whether it is a yellow belt exam or a higher black belt exam, is attitude. The attitude and will to reach the next belt rank is the most important thing to reach a new belt rank. Of course, you have to have the technical know-how and background information, but without the will and attitude, you cannot achieve a new belt rank. Yesterday afternoon there were five of us doing the test and the feedback from the test takers was that the attitude and will exuded from the test takers. Although the physical part was short, it was all the more intense, and this intensity came from us experimenters. Now, writing this article, you feel that intensity. The whole body is completely relaxed and good when you can manage to tap the computer. And this is how it should be done and its level should be experimental. This is one thing that we practice in taekwondo and that is tested at regular intervals with belt exams. When the color of the belt gets darker, you have to start experimenting more and more. In the first belt tests, the teachers make sure that the required level is met, but in the later stages the test takers have to take care of this themselves if they want to achieve the new belt values.

With these pleasant feelings and sensations, it is very nice to end this article that opens up the coach's thoughts.

Once again, I wish everyone the best of luck with their new belt ranks and success in the upcoming belt exams on your taekwondo journey!


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Medals were plucked from the league finals of the best

To the taekwondo athletes, success in the match and movement series

This year's match league and pumse series were brought to a grand end in Parain on December 5. Taekwondo athletes were represented in both forms of competition, and you can admire the day's harvest in the table below. The club's league winners will also be announced later when the official results arrive.


Athlete Series(s) Investment
Lauri Hulikkala D2 -40 kg 3.
Henri Hulikkala E1 -34 kg 3.
Aino Kortelainen E1 -30 kg, E1 -30 kg, D1 -34 kg 2., 1., 1.
Janika Tatti D2 -40 kg 1.
Tuikku Holopainen C1 -44 kg, C1 -47 kg 3., 2.
Riina Korhonen B1 -68 kg 3.
Emilia Lahti C1 -47 kg, C1 -51 kg 1., 2.
Luca Leskinen C1 -33 kg 3.
Juri Mattila C1 -53 kg 3.
Sara Quinones C1 -37 kg 3.
Severi Sarala C1 -57 kg, B1 -59 kg 1., 3.
Hannes Tolonen C1 -41 kg 5.

Business series

Athlete Series(s) Investment
Essi Labart Female A -30 1.
Sara Quinones Lynx pun-black 2.
Aino Kortelainen Lynx celt-green 1.
Sara Quinones & Milla Väyrynen Couples, enthusiasts 4.
Essi Labart & Christian Kamphuis (Vihti) Pairs A -30 1.


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December belt exams

December belt exams

It is possible to increase the belt value even before the Christmas break.

Juniors aged 7-14 – Tue 15.12.

  • at 17:00-18:00 – Yellow and green ribbon finishers (8th cup)
  • At 18:00-19:00 Green ribbon finishers (7th-7th + cup)
  • at 19:00-20:30 – Green belt and higher graduates (6.- kup)
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

3-6 year old children – Wed 16.12.

  • from 18:00 to 19:00
  • NOTE Those who there is no belt test now, is a joint exercise from 17:00 to 18:00

Adults – Thu 17.12.

  • from 18:30 to 20:30
  • Those who do not have an exam have practice as usual

You can take the belt test after collecting enough training marks and knowing belt-level techniques (techniques used in training). The instructors calculate the training times based on the enthusiasts' own training logs and check the candidates who pass the tests from their groups. These enthusiasts will be sent a separate e-mail and told during the exercises. You can check the price lists for belt tests from here.

We require a sports license from the Finnish Taekwondo Federation from all participants, which can be purchased from here.

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Coach's thoughts from Nurmijärvi

Taekwondo athletes in Nurmijärvi!

First of all, I have to thank everyone who was on the team and who came. The atmosphere was great and the performances of our own competitors were watched and encouraged with enthusiasm. Once again, it was really fun to be involved in coaching our top juniors.

This time I personally followed the performances of Aino, Emmi, Juri and Frans in the role of coach. We went through a lot of matches with Aino and Emmi. We went to the ring with Juri and Frans once. All four were united by a great will to win. In all matches, they fought until the end without giving up, even if they didn't always win. However, a few matches were turned from a losing position into a winning one with just this will to win. Really good performances from everyone and this is very good to continue towards the next battles!

I heard from Sampo and Paul that everyone else had also succeeded and had shown very nice moves in the day's matches.

Congratulations to everyone for their good performances and awards!

Petter the protein!

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