
Indoor competitions on Tuesday 19 June 2012, from 17:00 to 21:00

Tuesday 19 June 2012, from 17:00 to 21:00

Children under 16 17.00-19.00
Over 16 years old 19.00-21.00

Taekwondo athletes organize indoor competitions on Tuesday 19 June 2012. In indoor competitions, everyone can agree on their match partner and possible main contact with each other, so there is no participation threshold. There is a central referee in the matches and the points are counted as in real competitions.

The competitions start with children's (under 16) matches at 17:00 and around 19:00 we move on to the adult matches. Indoor competitions are free for TU11 members and Coaching Center athletes, the price for others is 10 euros. Indoor competitions replace the normal exercises on Tuesday.

In the indoor competition, you can order the necessary protections for the competition (not mandatory, except for mouth guards / €6 and bottom guards / €22). If you don't have protectors, the club will lend them to the race.

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Taekwondo athletes' summer training starts on June 4, 2012

During the summer (4.6.2012 – 17.8.2012) the exercises have been slightly condensed, check the new practice times!

NOTE! The gym will have a summer break in weeks 28 and 29, i.e. July 9-20, 2012, when the gym is closed and there are no exercises.

Taekwondo athletes wish everyone an active summer!


Today 24.5. no poomsen VK exercises


New belt values for Taekwondo athletes – Hilla 1.dan

Hilla, PM gold medal and black belt

22.5. Teemu Heino held a belt test at the taekwondo athletes' gym where the following people increased their belt values:

Hilla Palviainen 1st dan
Tom Åkerholm 1. kup
Matti Puromäki 2nd cup
Salla Tuominen 3. kup
Mörötti Hannula 7+. cup

25.4. In the test conducted by Petteri Kauppinen, the following increased their belt values:

Sami Timame 9th Cup
Amir Timame 9. kup
Aatos Rintala 8. kup
Moona Puromäki 8. kup
Arno Valtonen 8. kup
Eetu Ikonen 8.kup
Janika Tatti 8. kup
Ville Rauhanen 8. kup
Arttu Mäkelä 8.kup
Timo-Ringo Kukk 8.kup
Nea Mäkelä 8. kup
Mette Puromäki 8. kup
Sebastian Ben-Amor 8. kup
Iida Rissanen 8. kup
Anton Sjöholm 8. kup
Arthur Nikkinen's 8th kup

Eetu, Amalia and Victor

26.5. In the organized test, Petteri Kauppinen awarded the following belt values:
Eetu Ikonen's 8th cup
Amalia Vultur 8. kup
Victor Vultur 8. cup

TU11 congratulates all those who have increased their belt rank!


Nordic championship for Hilla

Hilla Palviainen (source:

Hilla Palviainen took gold in the girls' under 63 kg category at the PM Games held in Malmö, Sweden, on Saturday. In their first match, Hilla defeated Riihimäki's Roosa Torttila with a score of 11-1. In the final, Hilla was met by a training friend from the training center and a fierce competitor, Jenna Partanen (Tapiola Taekwondo Hwang). In her semi-final, Jenna had defeated the tall Swede, Natalie Fogelberg, with a wonderful performance. In the final, the situations varied, but at the end of the game, the score was 8-5 for Hilla. I saw Hilla win the Nordic championship.

Juho Ranta (men -87 kg) took bronze in his series after defeating Aki Tiihonen from Lahti in the quarter-finals. In the semifinals, the score line of the main hits favored Dennis Zorko from Sweden, who won the series, who went on to win the series, defeating Joonas Rynö of Helsinki Taekwondo in the final.

Teemu Heino (men +87 kg) also did not find the right kind of hits in his semi-final match against Sweden's Mustafa Jukovic. Despite Teemu's hard effort, the match ended in favor of the Swede 2-1. In the final, Jukovic defeated Tero Kuorikoski from Lahti and took the series victory.

All results here>>


TU11's summer challenge

Sophia's_page page
Sophia's side split

Taekwondo athletes throw a summer challenge to their enthusiasts and the staff of the training center!

The name of the challenge is side splits, and the most important thing is not the end result, but your own relative improvement during the summer. Initial measurements are taken until the transition to summer training times (beginning of June, more detailed information about summer training times in the next few days), and the development is checked after the summer when moving to autumn training times. The sooner you measure your initial level, the more time you have to improve your result. All developers will be rewarded with even more spectacular kicking techniques, but the best developer will also receive an extra prize.

In practice, we measure with a tape measure how far apart a person can place their heels in the initial measurement and after the summer in the final measurement. The achieved centimeter improvement is compared to the person's own height, and the person with the highest ratio is the winner of the challenge competition.



Thanks to the workers

Among other things, such a mark was created in the talkies

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the studio work and filming, without you these things would not have progressed! There was a good number of enthusiastic people at the gym from morning to afternoon, and a lot of food was also obtained. Unfortunately, in the midst of promo shootings and other work, I completely forgot to take atmospheric photos. However, the attached picture shows a small piece of the final result.

Many thanks to everyone!


That feeling when you didn't get to participate on 9.6. to the seminar

Birds of Lapland - fitness training


Summer training seminar 9 June 2012 at 10:00

Teemu's kidnapping
Teemu's exemplary performance of rapture from the time when men lifted iron and ships were made of wood.

Taekwondo athletes 2011 will organize an additional training seminar for all taekwondo enthusiasts on Saturday, June 9, 2012. The seminar can be included in the 2nd level coach training of the Finnish Taekwondo Association.

Athletes and their coaches as well as enthusiasts who need tips for summer training are welcome. The seminar lasts one day and consists of three different exercises. The purpose of the seminar is to familiarize the participants with different forms of additional training and to guide them in the right ways of doing it. In the seminar, you can participate in the exercises or follow sample performances on the page. The price of the seminar is €50/person, if there are more participants from the club, the price is reduced by €10/participant. The price for TU11 enthusiasts is €25. Registrations by June 2, 2012 at the latest. The seminar is organized if there are at least 10 people registered. The seminar starts in the morning, a more detailed schedule and training locations will be announced later. The seminar includes the following exercises:

1. Strength training
In this exercise, we go through the most essential strength exercises for taekwondo. The exercise is done in the weight room, where the techniques of the different movements are instructed and the number of repetitions and reference values are reviewed. E.g. parallel pull-up, pull-up, squat
2. Speed training
This training is done on the sports field. In this exercise, we go through speed exercises and different execution methods. E.g. strokes, jumps, ball throws...
3. Specific strength/endurance training
This workout is done in the gym. In this workout, the focus is on specific muscle strength and endurance exercises. E.g. kicking power with rubber bands, static kick muscle exercises, fitness circuits...

Preliminary schedule of the seminar
09:30-10:00 Meeting at the Taekwondo athletes' hall at Ruosilankuja 3C, Helsinki
10:00-10:30 Transfer to the weight room with carpool transport
10:30-12:00 Additional weight training

12:00-13:30 Lunch break. Let's find a joint lunch place for those who want to, everyone eats at their own expense. We will return to the gym, from where we will head to the sports field at around 1:15 p.m.

13:30-15:00 Practice on the sports field
15:00-16:00 Return to the TU11 hall and a break
16:00-17:30 Sports practice
17:30-18:00 Summary and end of the seminar

Summer training seminar poster for printing>>


Friend offer

Bring your friends to training, you get a free month of training!
When you bring your friend to training, and he signs a contract of three, six or twelve months, you will receive the first month of your next contract
free. In addition, your friend will get a discount on the dobok 10% when he buys it at the time of signing the contract.

Download and print the attached document or get one from the gym!

Form and information (.pdf)

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