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New customer system and changes to be considered

Taekwondo athletes switched to the new customer system at the beginning of August

Customer management and invoicing of taekwondo athletes has been implemented since the foundation of the club with a homemade system creditably coded by Teemu, which has served faithfully both in terms of training registrations and invoicing. However, as the operation grows and the number of enthusiasts increases, the time has come to switch to an external system offering more versatile services. At the beginning of August, we switched to using a service called Fitnessbooker, which offers many benefits for both club employees and customers. New enthusiasts are immediately registered in Fitnessbooker, and old ones as soon as their valid payment period ends.

When moving to the new system, there will be some changes and noticeable points, the most important of which are presented in this news:


  • Invoices are still sent by e-mail. If you have not received an invoice within a week of the start of the internship or a week before the start of the new internship period, please contact our customer service.
  • Reminder invoices are automatically sent by letter to your home address. Reminder invoices are charged with late payment interest and notice costs according to the Interest Act.
  • The system automatically sends an invoice for the next 3-month payment period one month before the end of the current payment period. The due date of the invoice is also the last day of the valid payment period. As usual, the customer can terminate the training contract by giving notice before the start of the next payment period.
  • Old customers should note the changed account number with the new invoicing service.

Customer information and own contracts

  • Taekwondo athletes only collects information that is necessary for the purpose of the training contract. At any time, the customer has the right to find out what information has been collected about him and to be forgotten. The information is never disclosed to third parties.
  • In the future, the invoice will not show which time the payment period applies to, but the enthusiast can check the expiration date when logging in to the exercises at the hall's registration terminal. During the fall, we will also try to publish customer pages on our website. You can monitor your contracts and training visits on your own pages.

Logging in to exercises

  • You log in to the exercises with a new access tag on a separate terminal. The touchscreen displays all the exercises you are entitled to participate in based on your contract.
  • In new contracts, €5 is charged for the access tag. The tag does not need to be returned after the training is over. In case of drowning, €5 will be charged for a new ID.
  • Record your exercise before the exercise or no later than 3 hours after the exercise. You cannot record the exercises of the previous days yourself. If you have forgotten the registration, contact our customer service.
  • You can pick up your access card at the customer service counter next to the cash register.
  • Logging exercises is still the only way to collect exercise notes for the belt test.

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Call us: 0451827290
Visit in person or send traditional mail: Ristipellontie 14, FI-00390 Helsinki

A license is required for competitions and all association events. In addition, you can acquire affordable training insurance at the same time.

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