
Cuban Yarley Cedeño directs on Friday 28 November. With the support of ABB

cedeño6Yarley Cedeño, 3. Dan is a multiple medalist in the Cuban championship tournaments. He is now coaching in St. Petersburg.

He will direct the two practices tomorrow from 17:00-18:00 and 18:00-19:00 with the support of ABB.

Everybody along.


Matti missed the first round in the Para-EM

The Eekwondo European Championships for the disabled took place on November 27, 2014 in Belek, Turkey

Men -61 Kg, K41

Matti Sairanen – Anar Huseynov 2-9

Matti missed out on medals.



Tapiola's training sessions were canceled on Sunday 30 November 2014

We are cleaning up the traces of the Helsinki Open.


Practices for adults are canceled on Friday 28.11.

The practices of the adult elementary group and advanced group have been canceled from this week's Friday at 19:00-20:00 due to the arrangements for the league finals. The Juniors' practices earlier than this will be held normally.


Please drive carefully in the vicinity of the hall

As autumn begins to turn into winter, the evenings have darkened again. Please remember that a lot of children and young people move around the gym during training, so you should be especially careful when driving. Especially the corner next to the door of the hall can be a place of danger if a child speeds into the driveway. Also instruct children to move carefully and use a reflector.

If you come to practice by car, avoid parking next to the walls in the narrow space between the buildings. In the event of emergency situations, emergency vehicles must be able to move freely in the area.

Have a safe fall!


Eddie and Sara Klaukkala at the Poomse Open

Sara's ranking was 4th and Eddie's 11th.

All results:


Videos of Sara and Eddie's performances:

Poomsae tournament Klaukkala Nov 2014


Sara in the Mukwan Cup

Sara Quiñones in Jyväskylä Nov 2014


Eddie's Championship match


Adult SM gold medals for Jenna and Teemu, Juniors' Sophia and cadets' Sophia and Emmi

In the championship competitions in Jyväskylä 8.11. In 2014, our club was successful as follows:


Jenna Partanen 1.
Teemu Heino 1.
Hannu Vikström 3.

Ruth-Margit Grupmann 5.-8.


Sophia Vassilaki 1.
Voker Feka 3rd (and 1st in the series where he was alone)
Aleksi Väyrynen 3.
Riina Korhonen 3.


Emilia Lahti 1.
Sophia Vassilaki 1.
Ali Pirveisi 2.
Milla Väyrynen 3.
Ida Repokari 3.
Eddie Quinones 5.

All graphs and results:

In addition, in the Mukawn Cup held in the same connection, Jaakko Saha and Sara Quinones won their series and Oliver Rajalin got silver.

In the sports screen, Jenna in pictures in 13:35.

Jenna was the subject of Keskifinomainen's competition story
Jenna was the subject of Keskifinomainen's competition story



Tapiola's late autumn

Practice times change for Tuesday and Sunday

• On Tuesday, children's elementary group 18.00-19.00, match 19.00-20.00
• On Sunday, children's elementary group 11.00-12.00, match 12.00-14.00

Indoor competitions 14.11. and 12.12. Konala gym

• Juniors 17:00-19:00
• Adults and children 19:00-20:30

Belt exams on Sunday 7 December 2014

• Beginner group 11.00-12.00
• Continue from 12:00 to 14:00

Volunteers are being sought for the league finals

• For the last league competition organized by the club, volunteers are needed to help with various tasks
• Volunteers can find tasks of different length and quality for the day before and the day of the competition
• Volunteers are offered lunch and snacks on the day of the race. Later, the talk group will be remembered in the form of dinner parties etc
• Register at the service desk or at the address

Camps and events in other cities

• 16.11. Open business series camp in Klaukkala
• 22.11. Open national team camp of the match in Nurmijärvi
• 13.12. Open national team camp of the match in Turku
• If these are of interest, ask the instructors for more information

Christmas break 8 December 2014-4 January 2014

• During the break, you can participate in your own group's exercises at Konala's gym. See your age group and level group as follows: yellow - beginner group, green and blue - advanced group, red - advanced

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