
Match Championship and Mukwan Cup, 8 November 2014, Jyväskylä


Vaajakoski sports hall
Urheilutie 36, 40800

All series are contested in the games. The SM value is for R1, B1 and C1 series.

You must register for the races on 30.10. by!

Competition invitation here >>



Jenna Partanen becomes Finnish under-21 champion, silver for Sophia and Voker

Jenna_BartanenGold for Jenna

The Finnish under-21 championships were decided on October 25. In competitions held in Eura. As expected, Jenna Partanen, who is also under 21, takes the gold from our club's representatives. EC bronze medal in his pocket a couple of years ago. In the women's category under 67 kg, Jenna was drawn directly to the final, which she also won supremely. Sophia Vassilaki in the women's -53 kg category and Voker Feka in the men's -68 kg category missed out on the brightest medal. However, Sophia has two match wins and Voker has one. The day of both can be considered good based on their performances.

There are also medals from the Cadet and Amateur series

Emilia Lahti was responsible for the only gold medal in the cadets. Milla Väyrynen and Ida Ulrika Repokari won bronze. In the amateurs, Jaakko Saha got a silver medal around his neck.



Late autumn events


Taekwondo athletes end-of-autumn bulletin

Autumn has already come a long way, and even the last summer vacationers have returned to the gym. The groups have been packed night after night. In the case of junior enthusiasts, we switched to group division according to belt values in the early fall. If someone is still wondering which group they should train in, here's a guide: Everyone who started the sport in the summer or fall trains in the Beginners group. The advanced group is intended for all yellow-belts, and the advanced group is for green belts and up. 3-6 year olds still train on Mondays and Wednesdays in two groups. Group sharing can be flexible due to overlapping expenses or to facilitate shared rides.

The autumn competition calendar looks pretty full, both in terms of indoor competitions and national competitions. Indoor competitions are a great way to try competing in a familiar environment at the Konala gym. Taekwondo athletes recommend everyone to buy their own protection from the club's equipment sales point and to try it out without prejudice, also for national competitions.

If you want Taekwondo athletes' announcements directly to your email, add your name to the "subscribe to newsletter" section on the side of the page.

Have a really nice end of autumn!

T. Taekwondo athletes 2011

Autumn events

Belt tests

  • Ask your group's teacher if you have enough visits for the belt test
  • Belt exams for adults on Thursday 23.10. and 18.12. from 6:30 p.m.
  • 3-6 years Junior belt tests  10.12. at 17:00 (beginner group) and 18:00 (advanced group). Exercises only for belt test takers
  • 7-14 years Junior belt tests 9.12. 17:00-18:30 (Yellow belt or 1st green belt) and 18:30-20:00 (two green belts and higher belts)
  • Juniors 17:00-19:00
  • Adults and children 19:00-20:30

indoor competition 14.11. and 12.12.

  • Juniors 17:00-19:00
  • Adults and children 19:00-20:30

Autumn national competitions

  • Registrations to the address
  • 25.10. Under 21 Championship competitions and junior and amateur series in Eura
  • 8.11. Match championship competitions and junior and amateur series in Jyväskylä
  • 29.11. The league finals of the match and movement series as well as the junior and amateur series in Helsinki

Volunteers are being sought for the league finals

  • For the last league competition organized by the club, volunteers are needed to help with various tasks
  • Volunteers can find tasks of different length and quality for the day before and the day of the race
  • Volunteers are offered lunch and snacks on the day of the competition. Later, the talk group will be remembered in the form of dinner parties etc
  • Register at the service desk or at

Camps and events in other cities

  • 16.11. Open business series camp in Klaukkala
  • 22.11. Open national team camp of the match in Nurmijärvi
  • 13.12. Open national team camp of the match in Turku
  • If these are of interest, ask the instructors for more information

Eura Cup and Under-21 Championship competitions on 25 October 2014

Yong Taekwondo organizes the Finnish Taekwondo Association's under-21 championships.
In the Eura Cup, the junior, amateur and senior series familiar from the league competitions (E1, D1, D2, C1, C2, B2, H, S30) are played.
Series E1, D1, D2, C2 will be played, if the schedule allows, with a pool system, if necessary with a Cup scheme.

Place: Eura Sports Hall, Eurantie 33, 27510 Eura

Registrations no later than 17.10. to email:


The race in Porvoo still left room for improvement

The start of the two days for the taekwondo athletes was a little low-spirited. Although there were certainly medals, many small failures, the small number of competitors and the overall lackluster atmosphere of the Games left much room for improvement in the next Games.

The gold medals were taken by Ali Pirveisi and Emilia Alhti from the cadets, Sophia Vassilaki from the Juniors. As for Saturday, the whole team was on the move with a good look.

All results:


During autumn vacation, we train normally, Tapiola's Thursday training is cancelled

Taekwondo athletes train even during autumn vacation. Only Thursday 16.10. training in Tapiola has been cancelled.


Indoor competitions 3.10

Indoor competitions this Friday

Contrary to previous information, the indoor competition will be moved a week earlier to Friday 3.10, so that the indoor competition does not fall on the same weekend as the league competition in Porvoo.


17:00-19:00 – All junior enthusiasts

19:00-21:00 – Adult enthusiasts and the tree


Indoor competitions are free for our own enthusiasts. Enthusiasts of other clubs are charged €10.

Now is a good time to buy your own protection

If necessary, enthusiasts can use the club's worn-out loan covers, but their own is of course the recommended option. You can ask for protection from any instructor at the club's equipment store. You can get off to a good start by buying arm and shin guards, which are often needed during training as well.


Moods from last spring's indoor competitions



Match league competition in Porvoo 11.-12.10

Everyone join the competitions in Porvoo!


OY Kokonhalli Ab

Jääkiekkotie 3, 06100 Porvoo

Note! The competition is two days long. Juniors and amateurs on Saturday. C, B and A leagues on Sunday.

Competition invitation

Competition invitation

How do I register?

Send an email to the club's address

Put in Mail your name, your series if it is known, your date of birth, your weight and your training group.

If you don't know your weight, the gym has a scale in use.

The last day of registration is 3 October 2014


The domestic competition season opened in Parain

Plenty of medals for Taekwondo athletes

The team of taekwondo athletes collected a lot of positions from the Park Cup competition in Paraisi organized on 27.9. In general, the club's race times seemed to be in good shape right at the beginning of the fall, but there was still room for improvement. The next time we go to Porvoo for the medal hunt on October 10-11.


Sophia Vassilaki  1. C1N -51kg
Eddie Quinones  1. C1M -49kg
Milla Väyrynen  1. C1N -41kg
Emilia Lahti  1. C1N -44kg
Megii Moullaev  1. D1M -46kg
Sara Quinones  1. E1N -30kg
Sara Quinones  2. D1N -30kg
Ulrika Repokari  2. C2N +58kg
Severi Sarala  3. C1M -45kg
Voker Feka  3. B1M -73kg
Eddie Quinones  3. D1M -46kg
Aleksi Väyrynen  3. B1M -48kg
Ali Pirveisi  3. C1M -37kg
Oliver Rajalin  5. C2M -50kg
Eddie Quinones  5. C1M -45kg

Opening loss for Jenna in Austria


Jenna lost her opening match to Czech Iveta Jirenkova.

All results:


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