
Bronze for Sophia from Poland

Sophia Vassilaki took bronze from the Polish Open. The first two opponents fell in show style, but the road stood up in the semis when Jolanta Tarvida from Latvia came up against her. Tarvida is a World Championship silver medalist from Baku, albeit one weight class lower. The snacks were not enough against the top competitor.

Milla and Aleksi Väyrynen lost their opening matches, as did Emilia Lahti.

All results:


Jenna represents Finland at the U-21 European Championships in Austria

Jenna_BartanenJenna Partanen, who is defending her bronze medal from last year, is Finland's only representative in the under-21 European Championships. Jenna's series will be -67kg in future competitions.

The competitions will be held on September 26-29. in Innsbruck, Austria. Jenna competes on the opening day of the Games. The drawing will be drawn the day before.

Jenna has moved to our company at the beginning of this autumn. We are really proud that a talented and already successful athlete wants to be involved in our activities!


There is still room for a couple of enthusiasts in baby taekwondo

Good mood at the baby gym

In baby taekwondo, we get to know the latest training equipment..


On Monday, we happily practiced taekwondo with the babies again. During the training, muscles were strengthened, basic technique was reviewed, shoulders and back were taken care of, and above all - fun was had. The group can accommodate a couple of baby gymnasts to take care of their body holistically. There are still 12 practice sessions left. Welcome!

More information


...strengthening the muscles..
...we face new things..
..let's challenge the giants..





...and have fun! :)








A team of taekwondo athletes for the Polish Open.

Polish Open – Warzaw Cup 2014 will be held in Warsaw, Poland on September 20-21, 2014. More than 750 athletes have registered for the competition.

A team of taekwondo athletes

Milla Väyrynen, Cadets, Girls, under 41 kg

Emilia Lahti, Cadets, Girls, under 44 kg

Sophia Vassilaki, Cadets, Girls, under 47 kg

Aleksi Väyrynen, Juniors, Boys, under 48 kg


The team is coached by Sampo Pajulampi






Match league competition 27.9.2014 in Parain


Parainen sports and youth building (PUNT), Koulumestarinkatu 5, 21600 Parainen

The 4th round of the match league and series for children and enthusiasts!

Note! In some series, e-helmets are used!

Competition invitation

Competition invitation

How do I register?

Send an email to the club's address

Put in Mail your name, your series if it is known, your date of birth, your weight and your training group.

If you don't know your weight, the gym has a scale in use.

The last day of registration is 19 September 2014


Junior Challenge 20.9.2014 in Lahti - CANCELED!

The competition has been canceled due to the low number of participants.


The first indoor competitions of autumn on Friday 12.9.

The first indoor competitions of autumn will be held on September 12. and these competitions open the autumn indoor competition season. Indoor competitions will be held on Fridays in the coming season. As usual, the races start at 17:00 with the children's and youth races and continue with the adult races from 19:00 onwards.

NOTE! The adults also have the opportunity to practice the movement series competition. Business series are evaluated and feedback is received. Children and young people can also stay and do sets of movements for the adults' turn.

Everyone is more than welcome to challenge and accept challenges. In the spring, it was really nice to see enthusiasts of other sports also trying out their skills in a taekwondo match.

¨For TU11 enthusiasts, the gym competition is included in the normal training fees, others are charged a participation fee of ten euros.

Dates of indoor competitions

  • 12.9.2014
  • 10.10.2014
  • 14.11.2014
  • 12.12.2014

Junnu's belt test in September

The first belt test of the fall for junior enthusiasts

The first belt tests of the autumn season for junior enthusiasts are held:

3-6 years crazy 17.9

17-18: Elementary group

18-19: Extension group

7-14 years crazy 23.9

17-18.30: Yellow belt and one green ribbon

18:30-20:00: Two green ribbons and higher belts


Those enthusiasts who have enough training times and time from the last belt test can take the belt exams. A list of these people will be posted on the notice board in the hall. You can ask the instructors of your group for more information. The prices of belt tests can be found From the price list. The price of the test includes a new belt or a ribbon at the end of the belt.


Vauvataekwondo in Vauva magazine



Taekwondo athletes expands its operations to Tapiola!

Espoo's Tapiola, the newest activity area for Taekwondo athletes

After the Tapiola Taekwondo Hwang stopped its activities, TU11 will continue taekwondo activities in Tapiola. There are exercises four days a week, both for beginners and advanced students. Practices in Tapiola start on September 1.

Practice groups

5 groups practice in Tapiola:

– Children under 14 years old, elementary

- Children under 14 years, sequel

– Young people and adults over 14 years, the basics

- Young people and adults over 14 years, sequel

– Match

Practice times

Autumn exercises start on September 1.

Practice locations

Monday (Jousenkaari school, Jousenkaari 10)

Tuesday (Tapiola Sports Hall, Urheilupuistontie 2)

Thursday (Niittykumpu school, Niittyportti 3)

Sunday (Tuulimäki population shelter/ judo hall 1, Itätuulenkuja 9)

Belt ratings and belt tests

The belt values of Tapiola Taekwondo Hwang enthusiasts will be preserved. The next kup/dan value is performed when the requirements are met in TU11's system.

Costume and equipment

You can come to the beginner exercises in normal indoor exercise equipment. A taekwondo uniform is purchased for the first belt test. If you already have a costume, you can use it.

In match practice, everyone must have their own protection. Suits and protections, like other equipment, can be ordered from the instructor or by sending mail to The equipment is delivered to the exercises.

Training fees

The training fee is €300/year. The fee includes your own group's practices and participation in the match group's practices. In addition, the price includes one coupon for the Konala gym. Additional cards can be redeemed at the Konala hall for half price (€34.50). The first 2 training weeks are free in beginner groups.

Practice contract

In the first exercises, you will receive a contract template. After filling it out, you will receive an invoice in your e-mail. The contract is renewed automatically, so if you no longer go to training, please notify

New enthusiasts

TU11 does not organize separate beginner courses, but you can start the hobby at any time by coming to the beginner group's exercises. Take indoor exercise equipment, a drinking bottle and a towel with you.

More information

You can get more information by email or by phone directly from the responsible coach Sampo Pajulamme 040 568 3470.

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