
New belt values for taekwondo athletes on March 12, 2013

taekwondo | Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa
taekwondo athletes' assistant instructor Tanja Lovikka completed the 1 kup belt rank on 12 March 2012

In the belt examinations held on 12 March 2013, the following persons increased their belt rank:

  • Matti Puromäki, 1 cup
  • Tanja Lovikka, 1 cup
  • Markku Hannula, 6 cups
  • Sami Leskinen, 7 cups
  • Jenny Suihko, 7 cups
  • Tommi Kaikkonen, 8 cups

Because the belt test ended for different people at different times, it was not possible to give feedback to everyone directly after the test. Those who did not receive feedback, remember to ask Teemu or Juho as soon as possible.

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