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Taekwondo athletes' juniors were successful in Rauma's business series competition

On May 14, 2016, the movement series competitions were held in Rauma, and among the Taekwondo athletes, Plum Kopisto and Aino Kortelainen participated in the competitions, coached by Essi Labart. The competitions went really well for the club's competitors and the results speak for themselves:

Gold Aino Kortelainen, lynx green belts

Silver Aino Kortelainen, adult enthusiasts, blue belts

Silver Plum Kopisto, cadets

Especially Aino's success at the age of 8 in the adult amateur series is a performance worth raising our hats to. The coaches congratulate the competition team!

Plum 01 Aino, Plum and Essi Only 01


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