
Open day 25 August 2012 from 10:00 to 18:00, win a free training month!

TaekwondoOn Saturday, August 25, 2012, an open day will be held at the Taekwondo athletes' hall, like last year, where those interested in the sport can get to know taekwondo and Taekwondo athletes. Current enthusiasts are also welcome to join to create an atmosphere and hustle together. The open house is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., during which time there will be a small competition, introductory training sessions for those who are interested, etc... We will give three lucky people a free month of training! After the open day, we will also start new basic groups, where new enthusiasts start learning taekwondo. Even enthusiasts who have just started before the start of new groups can join a new basic group if necessary.

Familiarization trainings for all ages are organized at 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00. Take indoor exercise equipment, a drinking bottle and a towel with you.

More information from these pages and the email address

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Advertising for autumn has started

Advertising also starts at the top
Advertising also starts at the top

The promotion of taekwondo athletes towards the upcoming open day and the new autumn basic courses has started. The club's advertisements are starting to appear at an accelerating pace in the areas of West Vantaa, East Espoo and Southeast Helsinki. The hall is conveniently located near the intersection of the three cities, so the advertising will be targeted not only to Helsinki but also to Vantaa and Espoo.


Taekwondo athletes' summer training starts on June 4, 2012

During the summer (4.6.2012 – 17.8.2012) the exercises have been slightly condensed, check the new practice times!

NOTE! The gym will have a summer break in weeks 28 and 29, i.e. July 9-20, 2012, when the gym is closed and there are no exercises.

Taekwondo athletes wish everyone an active summer!


TU11's summer challenge

Sophia's_page page
Sophia's side split

Taekwondo athletes throw a summer challenge to their enthusiasts and the staff of the training center!

The name of the challenge is side splits, and the most important thing is not the end result, but your own relative improvement during the summer. Initial measurements are taken until the transition to summer training times (beginning of June, more detailed information about summer training times in the next few days), and the development is checked after the summer when moving to autumn training times. The sooner you measure your initial level, the more time you have to improve your result. All developers will be rewarded with even more spectacular kicking techniques, but the best developer will also receive an extra prize.

In practice, we measure with a tape measure how far apart a person can place their heels in the initial measurement and after the summer in the final measurement. The achieved centimeter improvement is compared to the person's own height, and the person with the highest ratio is the winner of the challenge competition.



Thanks to the workers

Among other things, such a mark was created in the talkies

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the studio work and filming, without you these things would not have progressed! There was a good number of enthusiastic people at the gym from morning to afternoon, and a lot of food was also obtained. Unfortunately, in the midst of promo shootings and other work, I completely forgot to take atmospheric photos. However, the attached picture shows a small piece of the final result.

Many thanks to everyone!


The training times changed on March 12, 2012

In the hall of taekwondo athletes practice times changed from Monday 12 March 2012. It is hoped that the new practice times will serve the majority of enthusiasts even better. You can find the valid practice times from here. Old and new enthusiasts are welcome!


Successful indoor competitions on February 25, 2012

The atmosphere of taekwondo indoor competitions
Atmosphere from the TU11 indoor competitions

On Saturday, February 25, 2012, the indoor competition was held at the Taekwondo athletes' hall in Konala. During the day, 35 matches were played, the majority of which were junior matches. The atmosphere at the games was relaxed and everyone who wanted to had several matches.

The average points scored from the junior matches were calculated and the five best scorers were awarded caps from the Finnish Olympic Committee. This time, the following people made it to the cap games:



RESULTS, KIDS Company Score Matches KA
1. Chia Moazezi TKD Lahti 77 5 15,40
2. Daniel Jähi TKD Lahti 41 4 10,25
3. Sophia Vassilaki TU11 50 5 10,00
4. Voker Feka TU11 44 5 8,80
5. Emma Reiman Loviisa 38 6 6,33



New belt values


On the 9th and 10th of February, belt tests were organized in the TU11 hall, where the belt values were increased as follows:

Yellow Belt, 8 Kup
Henry Tran
Yuri Nerotov
Alina Sippola
Elias Röyttä
Sami Timame
Amir Ali Timame

Yellow belt and green ribbon, 7 cups
Severi Sarala
Meegi Moullaev
Emilia Röyttä
Aha Moullaev
Ergjan Feka

Green belt and blue ribbon, 5 cups
Janne Rita
Jaakko Alatyppö
Toni Taskinen

Blue belt and red ribbon, 3 cups
Tanja Lovikka
Mikko Karjalainen
Markus Laukkanen

The belt tests were held by Petteri Kauppinen and Teemu Heino. Taekwondo athletes congratulates all those who have increased their belt rank!


Prisma Studio in the gym of Taekwondo athletes

YLE's Prisma Studio made a program about the strength of the punch and its effects, and also went to the gym of Taekwondo athletes to ask for advice and film. Watch the program on YLE's Areena. The video can be viewed until February 7, 2012.

Direct link to the program


Olympian from Athens

Taekwondo athletes in Athens
Juho, Zackie, Alex and Teme

Teemu and Juho are currently finishing their match fitness in Athens. There are high-class athletes in the camp, so the spars are anything but a joke.

"Greetings to all Taekwondo athletes! Train hard, see you next week", the boys wish.

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