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Taekwondo athletes 2011 need your help!

As an individual, you can support our club's activities and enthusiasts. Even a small amount is significant! You can either join as a support member with the amount you want, or acquire a hobby or hobby equipment for a needy child or young person.

Get a hobby or equipment for someone in need

By donating €25, we offer a month's training at half price to a needy child or young person.

By donating €50, we offer 2 months of training at half price or one month of training for free to a needy child or young person.

By donating €150, we offer 6 months of training at half price or 3 months for free to a needy child or young person.

After making a donation, we will give you a gift card, which you can hand over either to someone you know or to a person under the age of 16 selected by us based on applications. If you don't want to personally hand over the card, we will do it for you.

Pay the amount of your choice to the bank account FI5351610520054168 / Taekwondo athletes 2011 Ry. Enter the code "Youth hobby support", your name and email address in the message field:

Support for young people's hobbies
Mikko Mallikas


Joining as a supporting member

If you want to support the activities of Taekwondo athletes without obligations, you can easily join as a supporting member. Pay the desired amount, however at least €10 to bank account FI5351610520054168 / Taekwondo athletes 2011 Ry. Enter the code "support", your name and your e-mail address in the message field:

Mikko Mallikas

If you have a desire to support our company in some other way, we are open to suggestions. Take contact!

Thank you!

Taekwondo athletes 2011 thank you in advance!

#tu11 #taekwondo #taekwondo athletes #taekwondo athletes2011 #aloitataekwondo


Call us: 0451827290
Visit in person or send traditional mail: Ristipellontie 14, FI-00390 Helsinki

A license is required for competitions and all association events. In addition, you can acquire affordable training insurance at the same time.

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