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The autumn competition season opened wonderfully for both forms of competition

In autumn, there are enough competitions for both competition formats

The autumn competition calendar is quite busy and there are plenty of competitions both at home and further afield. In August Sedge went to compete in the cadet World Championships and at the beginning of September was Chahrazed turn in A21-EM competitions in Sweden. At the same time, the business league team opened its season successfully in the Hiisi Challenge competitions in Vihti.

We have been training hard at the Konala gym, preparing for the upcoming competitions. Saturday 7.9. sparring was tested as part of training for new judges. A big thank you to the Hipko and Herttoniemi match group, who came as guests for sparring.

Competitors will get to do real work on Saturday, September 15. In the Ikaali games. After this, there will be enough competitions until December.

The business league team is on the move in Vihti

Business series competitors opened their competition season on Saturday 7 September. Vihti in the Hiisi Challenge competitions. The number of participants in the competition was small, but the high level showed that a large part of the top of the country was still there. The growth in popularity of freestyle series was also gratifying to watch.

They won their individual series this time Eero and Alex. The performances were strong and the self-confidence was visible in the work. Eero's Freestyle was also wonderful to watch and the development has taken place tremendously in a couple of months. In the pairs series, Eero took silver together with Mudo Lohja's Elvi Ollila. Alex, on the other hand, took bronze from the same series Vickan's with.

In cadet girls Bella, Sophia and Vickan represented the majority of the series' participation, but this time it was 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places, with Kuopio's Airada Heikkinen taking the brightest medal. The level in the series is at a high level, so the future prospects are bright. In the group series, the girls came very narrowly for silver.

Marita competed in two divisions, red and black women and senior women. Bringing home silver and fourth place. Marita was also able to name the most important areas of development right after the performances, so we can expect even higher scores in the next games.

The business league team's next competitions are in Porvoo on October 13.

Chahrazed had a narrow opening loss at the A21 European Championships in Sweden

Chahrazed Boughrara represented Finland and is doing great in the U21-EC. Even though the Russian Valeriia Mokeeva won 13-9, Chahra fought well against the third place in the Junior World Championship and the second place in the A21 European Championship, and the victory was not far away either! The storm warning has therefore been issued with future storms in mind.

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New customer system and changes to be considered

Taekwondo athletes switched to the new customer system at the beginning of August

Customer management and invoicing of taekwondo athletes has been implemented since the foundation of the club with a homemade system creditably coded by Teemu, which has served faithfully both in terms of training registrations and invoicing. However, as the operation grows and the number of enthusiasts increases, the time has come to switch to an external system offering more versatile services. At the beginning of August, we switched to using a service called Fitnessbooker, which offers many benefits for both club employees and customers. New enthusiasts are immediately registered in Fitnessbooker, and old ones as soon as their valid payment period ends.

When moving to the new system, there will be some changes and noticeable points, the most important of which are presented in this news:


  • Invoices are still sent by e-mail. If you have not received an invoice within a week of the start of the internship or a week before the start of the new internship period, please contact our customer service.
  • Reminder invoices are automatically sent by letter to your home address. Reminder invoices are charged with late payment interest and notice costs according to the Interest Act.
  • The system automatically sends an invoice for the next 3-month payment period one month before the end of the current payment period. The due date of the invoice is also the last day of the valid payment period. As usual, the customer can terminate the training contract by giving notice before the start of the next payment period.
  • Old customers should note the changed account number with the new invoicing service.

Customer information and own contracts

  • Taekwondo athletes only collects information that is necessary for the purpose of the training contract. At any time, the customer has the right to find out what information has been collected about him and to be forgotten. The information is never disclosed to third parties.
  • In the future, the invoice will not show which time the payment period applies to, but the enthusiast can check the expiration date when logging in to the exercises at the hall's registration terminal. During the fall, we will also try to publish customer pages on our website. You can monitor your contracts and training visits on your own pages.

Logging in to exercises

  • You log in to the exercises with a new access tag on a separate terminal. The touchscreen displays all the exercises you are entitled to participate in based on your contract.
  • In new contracts, €5 is charged for the access tag. The tag does not need to be returned after the training is over. In case of drowning, €5 will be charged for a new ID.
  • Record your exercise before the exercise or no later than 3 hours after the exercise. You cannot record the exercises of the previous days yourself. If you have forgotten the registration, contact our customer service.
  • You can pick up your access card at the customer service counter next to the cash register.
  • Logging exercises is still the only way to collect exercise notes for the belt test.
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Acrobatics camp 29.9.

Acrobatic skills for enthusiasts of all levels

We will be followed by a competitor who has represented at the top level and a specialist in acrobatics training Havu Palviainen directs an acrobatics-themed camp at the end of September. At the camp, acrobatics and body control skills are practiced at an open level, i.e. beginners start with easier movements, while more experienced ones get additional challenges. The exercises are suitable for enthusiasts training in both basic groups and competitive groups. Enthusiasts representing other clubs are, of course, warmly welcome to join as usual.

Sunday 29.9.

Exercise 1 – 14:00-15:30
Exercise 2 – 16:00-17:30

€30 (You can pay in cash on the spot or, if you wish, also with an invoice)

Note! If you had a continuous internship contract valid during the two-week summer break in July, you can participate in one of the autumn camps free of charge. If you use the benefit, mention it when registering.


    You can also register on the registration list in the hall.


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    Versatile training pays off

    Taekwondo athletes offers a comprehensive package of additional training for enthusiasts

    In the basic groups of taekwondo athletes, all aspects of the sport are practiced comprehensively and physical qualities are developed in a variety of ways. In addition to these, the price of the basic contract includes a comprehensive package of various additional exercises with which you can deepen your skills in a certain area or raise your fitness to a new level.

    We recommend to all our enthusiasts at least one additional exercise per week in addition to the basic exercises. The most enthusiastic, of course, choose workouts for almost every day.

    An amateur match

    In the amateur match, you get to know the basics of match taekwondo and, of course, you also have sparring matches with a calm attitude. In an amateur match, safety comes first and protection is always carried during training. The group is suitable for anyone over the age of 12 who is interested in the match. For enthusiasts younger than this, we recommend the Monday children's competition group, where you can visit without an athlete contract. The amateur match is also a good starting point for those who aim to train in competitive groups.

    Hobby shop series

    In the amateur movement series on Monday, the basics of movement series are practiced and, of course, new movement series are studied. In the training, we also dig deeper than basic training into the secrets of steps, hand techniques, kicks and power generation. A very good workout for all enthusiasts, for example as part of a belt test. All enthusiasts who have learned the first set of movements can join the exercise. 

    General physical skills, games and games

    This exercise with a complicated name started in the fall of 2019 and is intended for all enthusiasts aged 7-15. As the name suggests, the training involves practicing physical skills comprehensively, taking into account the requirements of children and young people's periods of sensitivity. We especially emphasize acrobatics, mobility, body control, coordination and speed training. The group is a successor to the previously held acrobatics group, so all enthusiasts interested in acrobatics can join. In the classes, we also play various physical games and play games that develop the aforementioned qualities.

    Accompanying training for adults

    Additional training for adults consists of three separate exercises, fitness circuit, core and body care.

    Fitness circuit is a high-performance muscle fitness and endurance exercise. Movements are performed either with the body's own weight or with small additional weights. The main focus in the exercises is on practicing basic strength and strength endurance with the help of changing themes. The fitness circuits are suitable for beginners as well as wash-resistant strongmen and women. The number of repetitions and intensity can be customized to suit everyone.

    Core-exercises focus on strengthening the muscles of the upper body. The goal is to build a strong core that supports other training, supports body control and mobility, and prevents back and joint problems.

    In body care exercises several different stretching methods are applied with the goal of an overall more mobile and healthier body. The stretches are not only limited to static and passive muscle stretches, but also joint trajectories and active stretching are taken into account. The stretching exercise is specially designed to support taekwondo training, but is suitable for everyone who is interested in a better moving and stretching body.

    Free exercise

    Enthusiasts over the age of 15 can also train independently at the gym on Saturdays from 13:00 to 14:00. There is an instructor there, from whom you can ask for tips for your own training if necessary.

    Racing groups

    Competition groups have a slightly more expensive fee than basic groups, but this fee entitles you to attend all possible exercises that can be found in the gym. In addition, athletes have the right to use the hall for their own training. Athletes with different goals train in competition groups, but all of them have in common a strong desire to improve and to put in the effort for results. Maybe you too will become an athlete in the competitive teams of Taekwondo athletes. Ask your coach for more information today!

    We hope to see you in further training as soon as possible!

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    Fall family groups start on September 8.

    The popular family courses of taekwondo athletes start in September

    You can also exercise with a small child. Family groups are a joint exercise moment for child and parent. Neither of them needs to have previous experience in the sport or even exercise in general, so the course is suitable as a first introduction to sports. Of course, there is some kind of additional challenge for more experienced goers.

    Our slogan Taekwondo from baby to adult is completely true, because you can already do the training with the baby. Welcome aboard!

    Family groups of taekwondo athletes

    Baby Taekwondo (0-1 years old with a parent)

    Toddler taekwondo (1-2 year olds with a parent)

    Naperotaekwondo (2-3 year olds with a parent)

    Muksutaekwondo (3-5 year olds with a parent) A FEW PLACES LEFT 

    Family taekwondo (+5 years old with a parent) GROUP FULL


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    Taekwondo athletes start the course in Kannelmäki

    A new school group of taekwondo athletes at Kannelmäki elementary school

    In autumn 2019, Taekwondo athletes will organize a taekwondo course for children and young people at Kannelmäki elementary school. The course is suitable for beginners and for the same price you can join Konala's main hall for the second weekly class. At the end of the season, enthusiasts can take part in the yellow belt exam at the Konala gym.

    Read more in the courses section >> 


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    Sara represented Finland and Taekwondo athletes at the Cadet World Championships

    Opening loss for Sara, but plenty of experience in big competitions

    The World Cup competitions for cadets, i.e. under 15-year-olds, took place in Uzbekistan on August 7-10. Sara had earned her place in the team and fought for medals in the +58kg girls' category. In response, Sara received Taipei's I-Chin Chun, who eventually advanced to the medals in the competition. Sara opened the match well, but in a fast-paced match, the points eventually turned in Taipei's favor.

    However, Sara gained valuable experience and good speed towards the upcoming European Championships!

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    Open door day for taekwondo athletes 24.8.

    Welcome to get to know taekwondo on Saturday 24.8.

    The traditional open door day for taekwondo athletes is celebrated on Saturday 24.8. On the open day, anyone can come to the gym to try taekwondo and get to know our club and its home gym at the address Rispellottie 1A. Of course, we also offer coffee, buns and juices for children. Your own enthusiasts are also welcome, and you should bring all your friends and acquaintances along.

    You can come to the place anytime at 12-16. We organize the actual trial workouts at 12:30, 13:30, 14:30 and 15:30.

    Our beginner group have started 12.8., but you can jump in at any time during the autumn season. We offer a two-week satisfaction guarantee to all new customers.

    Start taekwondo!


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    Janne's puntiskoulu

    For those interested in strength training, our own starter course from the beginning of September

    Many of the enthusiasts' parents and adult enthusiasts have expressed their interest in training in the boxing gym next to the gym, but the lack of experience makes it difficult to get started. Janne's puntikoulu, which will start in September, is the remedy for this. At Punttikoulu, you will learn the basics of strength training and get a program to get you started in training.

    Punttikoulu is run by Janne Rita, the versatile training power pack everyone is familiar with!

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    August belt exams

    August belt exams

    • 7-15 year olds on Friday 23.8.
      • 17:00-18:00 – 7-15 year old yellow belt and green ribbon winners
      • 18:00-19:30 – 7-15 year old green belt and blue ribbon winners
      • Those who complete red ribbons and upper belts will take the test on Thursday 22.8. with adults performing higher belts.
      • Those who do not have an exam have practice according to the normal schedule.
    • Adults on Tuesday 20.8. and on Thursday 22.8.
      • Tuesday 20:00-21:30 Two blue ribbons and lower belt values
      • Thursday 18:00-20:30 belt test for upper belts (blue belts and upper belts).
      • Those who do not have an exam have practice according to the normal schedule.
    • Getting to the belt exam requires, depending on the belt rank, a sufficient number of exercises and training months from the previous belt exam. Instructors check the training times in the login system. Sent to all participants in the belt test invitation by email. The list can also be seen at the instructor's desk in the hall about a week before the exam. Please also make sure that you know the things asked in the belt test by checking the belt test instructions on the gym wall or asking your trainer for more information.
    • Note! The belt test is sent invoice before the exam. By paying the bill, you register for the belt test. If you want to pay for the exam in cash on the spot, let us know in advance. The prices of belt tests can be found from the price list.
    • It is required of all participants in the exam Sports license of the Finnish Taekwondo Association, which can be ordered from the association's website.
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