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In cooperation with Taekwondo athletes – Pohjola Hospital

Pohjola Hospital has invested heavily in supporting Finnish sports and sports clubs. At the beginning of the summer, Taekwondo athletes also started cooperating with Pohjola Hospital, and those who spent time in the gym hardly missed the posters on the curtains and walls. Pohjola Hospital's sports manager Tero Sinisalo visited the venues and presented the opportunities offered by club cooperation. As one example, we will soon be able to organize training aimed at the prevention of injuries for our coaches and the active members of the competition teams. Reciprocally, Pohjola Hospital's staff went to celebrate a work well-being day in the summer as a sign of kicking.

Taekwondo is a relatively safe form of exercise and sport, but injury situations cannot be completely excluded. Pohjola Hospital's treatment path offers concrete and easy instructions for accident situations. In uncertain situations, an expert's judgment is always the best. The license insurance purchased in connection with the license of the Taekwondo Association is the best way to take care of the coverage of the sports insurance.

TU11_hoitopolku_Pohjola Hospital_Helsinki

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Enthusiastic testers achieved new belt values in the October exams

The October belt exams have been received in the package as the autumn season is approaching its second half. In addition to technical competence, the belt test tests skill, effort and willpower, and these were found in every group. A group of white-skinned children deserves a special mention in this regard, who pulled the test from start to finish with great energy. Pauli, who received the belt exams, was overall very satisfied with the level of the groups.

Most of the enthusiasts who started their hobby in the fall take their first yellow belt exam in December. Nice to see the energy with which these groups take up the challenge.

Big congratulations to everyone who completed the new belt rank!

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Taekwondo athletes' strong competitive spirit continued at the Ambassador's Cup in Vantaa

Award for the best match club of the Games for Taekwondo athletes

In the Vantaa Ambassador's Cup, the 2019 league championships were decided for both competition formats. The 20-person match team of taekwondo athletes made a strong result and at the end of the day, they were able to proudly pick up the award for the best match club of the competitions. As usual, the day was full of events and emotions.

Lauri and Plum met again in the mutual final in a thrilling drama all the way to the overtime. Lauri's accurate armor hitting brought victory to Lauri in this round. Chaimaa won gold in his own pool series with two wins. Sarah the main kicks were again more accurate and thus a clear final victory for Sara. Jenny fought in two series so that all the matches happened in sets or only a few matches apart. Two wins and two losses out of four matches, but the biggest victory can be considered Jenny's ability to gather her will to fight at the end of a lost match and turn the next match into a win against the same opponent. Honey debuted in the league series, taking silver nicely. For Alina also silver. Severin and Bardian was satisfied with bronze in this round in the men's 74kg series. Sever's long competition break was not visible in doing much and the semi-final victory was definitely not far away. Ines took a tight direct final, but a disappointing narrow loss.

In children's series Noel, Luca and Max worked hard each in two series and as a result 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze. Noor won an exciting and eventful final in D1 girls. Noor led the match the entire time and managed to keep his lead despite the persistent efforts of his opponent. Mark took a clear opening victory, but had to bow in the final against a taller opponent. Still, I pocket some silver at the end of a good day. For Salma, Renad, Vlera, Teemu and For Milay opening losses, but at the end of well-taken matches. No one was left at the feet of their opponent, and with additional training, these will be turned into victories.

Bardia, Plum and Chahra.

Judgments were shared Ali, Vlad and Alex, the latter of which deservedly won the best judge award!

During the match training sessions, there was a lot of noise Sampo, Juho, Pauli, Mari and Fatima

There were much more highlights, tight situations and big emotions in the day than what is mentioned here, and the report will never do justice to the authentic feeling of the race day. The next time you'll be able to experience this feeling is in Eura in the form of the WC in about a month. Based on the games in Vantaa, we are allowed to expect hard performances.

Great performances in the movement series

The mood of the business series competitors was on point. Alex again dominated the cadet boys' series and also won gold Marita from the women's diesel series. In freestyle, all competitors have progressed considerably during the fall and the performances were strong. For Alina gold and For Eero silver, but most importantly, both scores are on the rise since the summer WC. Reed competed for the first time in business series competitions, participating in amateur freestyle and the children's blue and black series. Good and solid performances from Kaisla, even though, for example, she has only had time to practice freestyle for a short time. Cherry berry was also in her first races, finishing fifth in the women's diesel series. For Ville as usual, gold from the group series and silver from the individual. For Vickan bronze for female cadets.

They act as coaches on the poomsae side Laura and Ville. 

All rankings


Rival Series Investment
Lauri Hulikkala B1-M -63 Kg (6) 1.
Plum Duplicator B1-M -63 Kg (6) 2.
Markus Liuko D1-M -30 Kg (1) 1.
Markus Liuko 2 D1-M -34 Kg (3) 2.
Teemu Takala D2-M -45 Kg (4) 3.
Noel Viitaniemi EC -26 Kg (3) 1.
Max Augustus EC -30 Kg (5) 3.
Luca Hip EC -30 Kg (5) 5.
Noel Viitaniemi 2 EC -30 Kg (5) 2.
Max Augustus 2 EC -34 Kg (3) 1.
Luca Hip 2 EC -34 Kg (3) 3.
Severi Sarala R1-M -74 Kg (4) 3.
Bardia Mirzaei R1-M -74 Kg (4) 3.
Chaimaa Boughrara B1-F +68 Kg (3) 1.
Alina Shor B1-F -59 Kg (3) 2.
Salma Yahya H1-67 Kg (6) 5.
Sara Quinones C1-F +59 Kg (2) 1.
Jenny Vettenniemi C1-F -37 Kg (3) 2.
Jenny Vettenniemi 2 C1-F -41 Kg (3) 2.
Iines Korhonen C1-F -44 Kg (2) 2.
Honey La C1-F -59 Kg (3) 2.
Renad Almalky C2-F +58 Kg (4) 3.
Noor Almalky D1-F -43 Kg (2) 1.
Milay Endah D2-F -30 Kg (6) 5.
Vlera Kuqi D2-F -40 Kg (3) 2.

Business series

Rival Series Investment
Alex Jurgens U15 1.
Victoria Hentunen U15 3.
Eero Halenius U17 2.
Ville Lehtinen U40 2.
Kaisla Seimola Children blue and black 5.
Raitasalo cherry tree Diesel A 5.
Marita Jaakkola Diesel A 1.
Eero Halenius Freestyle 2.
Alina Niinivaara Freestyle 1.
Kaisla Seimola Freestyle – enthusiasts 2.
Ville, Kim (HTKD), Jeppe (Vihti) O30 groups 1.
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In Porvoo, both contestants and business series competitors are in high gear

The match team has great stamina in their legs

Porvoo Open 2019 gathered domestic match competitors in Porvoo on Saturday 12.10. Medals were sought after in the children's and hobbyists' categories Noel, Luca, Vlera and Honey. Noel was a real firecracker and the energy was channeled into excellent movement and accurate scoring. As a reward, a fair series win in one's own weight and age category and silver one age and weight category higher. Luca also represented in two series and also advanced to two finals, both with the same opponent. This time Lucan had to settle for silver, but at the end of excellent struggles. Vlera took direct finals in their first games. Great job and open-minded match, even though Vlera has just started the sport. Silver for Vlera, but with a great performance against an experienced opponent. Honey also had a direct final, which was handled spectacularly with a point difference win!

They participated in the league series Plum, Lauri, Janika and Alina. Plum and Lauri advanced in their big series, both from different sides of the chart, once again to the mutual final. Now it was Plum's turn to take home the steady torque and the gold. Janika fought her way to the semi-finals in style, where she faced the EC representative of the weight class. All in all, a great performance from Janika and an even match could have turned into a win for either side. However, Janika had to give in and brought home the bronze. Alina had a similar situation, who was able to seriously challenge her tough opponent. In the end, the decision of the match went to the overtime, where, unfortunately, we lost.

You trained Sampo, Mari and Pauli and a heater Bard were convinced of making matches. As for the judges, the club and, of course, high-quality refereeing were represented as usual by team-Lahti as well as giving evidence as a judge Vlad.

I'm full of medals for the business series team

After the match day, the business series league competition was contested on Sunday 13.10. Due to the vacation week and injuries, the business series team remained quite small, but the results were convincing. Eero won gold in both his individual series and freestyle and even silver in the pair series with Mudo's Elvi Ollila. Double gold came as well For Alex and For Aino, who both won their individual series and the doubles series together. The value of the performance is enhanced by the fact that Alex and Aino didn't get much time to practice as a couple before the competitions. Just a hard return to the competition fields after a long injury period. For Bella barely came second in the cadet girls' series, which means a double win for the club.

Having worked as a coach Laura's it was easy to smile at the end of the day.

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During autumn vacation, the exercises follow the normal schedule

During the school fall vacation week 14.10.-20.10. all basic exercises are organized according to the normal schedule. Groups may be combined when the number of participants is smaller than usual.

Exercises are not organized in family groups on the first Sunday of the holiday week 13.10., but as the latter 20.10. exercises are according to the normal schedule.

Happy autumn holidays to all schoolchildren!

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A super weekend of international games

Sara, Chahrazed and Chaimaa fought for EC medals in Spain

In the past week and weekend, we fought for the EC medals of the match in Spain in the Cadets and Juniors age groups. Taekwondo athletes included Sara in the cadets and Chahrazed and Chaimaa in the juniors. Sara had to bow out in the opening match against the tough Croatian, who eventually advanced to the medal matches of the tournament. Good fight from Sara though.

Chaimaa's road to the opening round was also cut off with a painfully narrow loss of 4-6 against a Turkish opponent. A little fine-tuning, and these can be turned into profits. Chahrazed took the familiar actively and continued to work for points. However, the defense of the Spanish opponent held and the victory in this round went to the hosts.

The European Championships certainly left a hunger for young promises, and the results certainly give us a lot to expect from the future. Race experiences on big fields combined with hard downs are a recipe for future success and this team has both.

Bronze for Alina from the Riga G1 competition

At latitudes slightly north of Spain, in Riga, the G1 medals were contested on the same weekend. The race has usually had a large Finnish representation, and this time was no exception. The attack group of taekwondo athletes included Jenna, Alina, Plum, Iines, Jenny and Venne.

Alina gave quite a storm warning by beating the multiple G1 medalist in the opener and losing in the semi-final extremely tightly in the overtime to the guy from Tanka. Taking home a bronze from a wonderful race day. Opening losses for others this time.

The racing season continues in Porvoo on October 12. and in Vantaa on 26.10.

See you at the gym!

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New DAN values for taekwondo athletes

Nine new black belts and one new poom belt

Saturday 28.9. the ten-person DAN test group got to show off their accumulated skills when Teemu and Petteri took the test at the Konala gym. This time, there were only 1-DAN passers, as the higher grades didn't take their exams until the end of the year.

The exam itself was, as usual, physically tough and didn't let anyone off easy when it came to techniques either. As a whole, the group's performance was good and fun as it should be in the DAN exam, although a few injuries and cramps brought an additional challenge to the examinees towards the end of the exam.

Big congratulations to the new DAN and POOM values!

1. DAN
Katarina Vidjeskog
Kai Oulejärvi
Minna Liiri
Riku Kytömäki
Marita Jaakkola
Oskari Väyliö
Eero Halenius
Laura Orjasniemi
Amir Timame

Aino Kortelainen

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Club accessories for taekwondo athletes can be ordered again

Dress up in your club's colors too!

The first batch of new club accessories for Taekwondo athletes was ordered in Konala in the spring, and now is the next opportunity to order yours. Fitting pieces are not taken from the accessories, but you can ensure your correct size by testing a teammate's clothing, asking your coach and following the size charts on the order pages.

Club accessories are intended for all enthusiasts regardless of group or age!

This is how you order club accessories for yourself

  1. Surf to Pro Dobok Finland's website To the taekwondo athletes' club shop >>
  2. Enter in the password field cross field
  3. Choose the club accessories you want in your shopping cart. Be careful with the sizes!
  4. Enter your information on the checkout page. Choose "store pickup" as the delivery method.
  5. We will notify you when your order can be picked up from the salon. You will receive the invoice in your email.

The deadline for the next order is 11.10., so please order your accessories before then!

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Sparring camp preparing for the games 5.10.

Match camp for beginners and those competing in children's leagues

The competition season is coming to a close with the October competitions in Porvoo and Vantaa. There will certainly be a lot of racers who haven't accumulated a lot of racing experience in both competitions. A sparring camp is a good way to prepare for the games. At the camp, the basics of match tactics are reviewed and applied in the form of practice matches. In addition, the rules are reviewed. The camp is also perfect for those enthusiasts who are interested in the match, but do not want to participate in the games. Representatives of other clubs are warmly welcome to join!

Saturday 5.10.

Exercise 1 – 13:00-14:30 (Match situations and basics of match tactics)
Lecture, familiarization with the rules - 14:30-15:00
Exercise 2 – 15:00-16:30 (Sparria) 

€30 (You can pay in cash on the spot or, if you wish, also with an invoice)

Note! If you had a continuous internship contract valid during the two-week summer break in July, you can participate in one of the autumn camps free of charge. If you use the benefit, mention it when registering.


    You can also register on the registration list in the hall. The minimum number of participants required to organize the camp is 10 enthusiasts. 

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    The domestic competition season of the match opened in Ikaalis

    Gold for Plum, others for medal positions

    The match team opened the domestic competition season in Ikaalis on September 14. The series were quite small, but there were enough opponents for each one, and there was no free entry to the finals in any series. This time, the medal haul was relatively thin as Plum grabbed the team's only gold medal. However, this is a good starting point for building tactics towards the growing number of competitions in the fall. The next time we get to the domestic racing mats will be in Porvoo on October 12. and soon after almost next door in Vantaa.

    Congratulations to the medalists and happy training!

    All results


    Iines, Markus, Jenny x2

    Bardia, Luca, Janika, Max, Noel x2

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