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Start taekwondo in the best company!

Taekwondo - easy to start, even easier to get hooked

The autumn elementary groups of taekwondo athletes start 12.8. and you can come along at any time to the exercises of your peers. At the beginning, clothes suitable for indoor exercise and a drinking bottle under the armpit are enough equipment. You will receive a registration form on the spot and you can immediately start sweating in your first taekwondo training. Parents are allowed to stay and watch their children's training if they wish.

You can also visit the gym and practice 24.8. on the open day from 12:00 to 16:00. It is possible to start at any time during the fall, so it doesn't matter if you can't join in August.

We offer a 2-week satisfaction guarantee for all groups, so you can get to know the sport and training at your leisure.

Almost all experimenters quickly become hooked on the versatile sport, which never ends with challenges and development paths. For one, increasing fitness and body control is a goal in itself, while another's aim is in the world of top sports. You should also not forget the new friends and super fun experiences that the hobby brings.

The address of our salon is Kruspellottie 1A, which is located at Ring 1 and Vihdintie Crossroads. Welcome aboard!

Diligent trainers receive their well-deserved reward after completing a new belt rank

Practice times for elementary groups in autumn 2019

4-6 year olds:

Mon 18:00-19:00
Sat 11:00-12:00

7-9 year olds:

Mon 17:00-18:00
Wed 18:00-19:00
Fri 18:00-19:00

10-12 year olds:

Tue 17:00-18:00
Wed 17:00-18:00
Fri 17:00-18:00

13-15 year olds:

Mon 19:00-20:00
Wed 19:00-20:00
Fri 17:00-18:00

16 years and older:

Tue 20:00-21:00
Thu 18:00-19:00
Fri 19:00-20:00

See all practice times >>

See you at the gym!

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Taekwondo athletes' friend week 12.-16.8.

Bring a friend to training!

As soon as school starts, we spend friends' week at the gym. During friend week, you can take a friend along to your own exercises, even if he has no previous experience in sports.

During buddy week, the exercises are planned so that you can do the exercises with your friend, and the one who has practiced for longer advises and helps the other.

If a friend starts a hobby with Taekwondo athletes, the person who brought their friend will get a -20% discount for their next billing period! The friend offer is valid even after a week until the end of September, so all enthusiasts should bring their friends to work out.

We are having an open house on Sunday 11.8. from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and on Saturday 24.8. from 12:00 to 16:00. Make sure that all your friends and acquaintances are at the gym at that time too!

Note! The friend week exercises concern basic groups. Competition exercises and additional exercises are unnecessarily challenging for a new experimenter at first.

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Autumn practice times

The autumn training calendar comes into effect on August 12. after schools start.

Note There may be changes to the calendar.

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Exercises during the summer break from 9 July to 21 July.

The taekwondo athletes' hall is closed for the middle two weeks of July while coaches and enthusiasts enjoy the Finnish summer. For those enthusiasts who have a continuous contract valid during the summer break, we will organize a replacement camp day in early autumn.

After the summer break, training will continue for a few more weeks according to the summer training schedule. The autumn training calendar comes into effect on August 12. after schools start and will be published soon on our website.

A really nice and relaxing summer!

T. Team of coaches for taekwondo athletes

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Jenna fifth, Christian seventh in the Universiade

Top performance from Jenna in a tough race

Jenna styled beautifully in her opening match to win, and a place in the semifinals was not far away in an extremely tough match competition. In the semifinals, the French opponent ranked 3rd in the world managed to win by only two points. Fifth place for Jenna, which is very hard for this tournament. It promises well for the fall KV championships.

Christian the best European in his tough series

The Universiade started for taekwondo with movement series competitions, where Christian won the positions in the extremely tough men's individual series. Christian progressed from the qualifiers to the semi-finals and finally all the way to the final rounds, eventually finishing seventh as the best European competitor. The ranking is also the best Finnish ranking of all time in the Universiade individual movement series.


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Quite a medal haul from the Vantaa Championship

Success was hunted with a large and efficient team

Taekwondo was again involved in the SC week and this time the championships were sought on the match side in the under-21-year-old series and in the senior series. In business series, medals were won in all official series. Taekwondo athletes were represented by a large and well-prepared team for both forms of competition, and the success was as expected.

No less than 6 championships from the match

In the match, the number of the brightest medals was reduced by the fact that in all sets of two representatives, the lottery happened so that the teammates were facing each other in the first round. The opening match of the day was played Severin and Eddie's sometimes in the men's -73kg series and Eddie's even more accurate scoring brought him a second place this time. As expected, Eddie went all the way and won the Finnish championship in a televised match. Severi showed his claws one series higher by defeating first Bardian in a tight opening match and then winning the final by a wide margin.

In the men's -63kg series Plum and Lauri also met each other right at the opening. Today, Plum did better, finding her way to the finals, where she settled for silver at the end of a good fight. Luca won the direct final in the men's -45kg series after a long competition break. There was no break in the firecracker's legs and Luca started to challenge without prejudice and with a tough attitude. The speed was still not enough for gold, but the storm warning was received.

On the women's side, the series were quite small and Alina and Chahrazed were directly declared champions in their only leagues. Chaimaa tapped out a stylish win in his own straight final.

The senior series also saw the final between the clubs, when Checkmate and Lasse fought for the -58 kg championship. Mati had an effective start to the match, while Lasse woke up a little too late to get into the rhythm. The championship therefore goes to Mati.

The business series team won medals with hard points.

Effective preparation also paid off in terms of movement, and the prolonged season is not reflected in the performances in any way, on the contrary. The athletes seemed to be in quite a draw.

In the cadet series, Taekwondo athletes had the largest number of representatives. In the girls' series, a power trio Sophia, Bella and Vickan decided the championships with each other. The championship went to Bella and silver to Vickan, one hundredth ahead of Sofia. As usual, the same trio also won gold in their group series. On the side of the cadet boys For Alex championship by a clear margin and bronze in pairs together with Vickan.

In junior boys Eero styled to the championship as well as in the doubles series together with Mudo's Elvi Ollila. Eero also participated in the freestyle series for the first time. This time, the smooth and flying performance won the silver. Respectively Alina's the long-honed freestyle performance was wonderful to watch. This is a really good way to start honing your freestyle skills even further.

In adults Laura and Ville managed to grab silver in their own individual series in addition to the training. Ville also won gold in the individual series and Laura won silver of pairs. Titus sadly fell one hundredth short of the bronze in the women's U30 series, but instead won gold in the group series.

Big congratulations to all the medalists and have a relaxing summer! :)

Thanks to the coaches Sampo, Teemu, Pauli, Laura and Ville and, of course, to the tireless support and encouragement teams!

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Summer camps for taekwondo athletes 2019

Registration for summer camps is open

The traditional summer camps will be organized this year as well, but the date will be shifted to the end of summer. What better way to wrap up your summer vacation than a super fun training week in the best company.

Camp 1 – 29.7.-2.8. (5 days) 
Camp 2 – 5.8.-7.8. (3 days) 

Registration for the camps is now open, so register now!

About the camps

Schedule: 9:00-17:00 (actual program between 10:00-15:00)

1st camp €175
2nd camp €120
Both camps €250

Meals: The price includes lunch and a snack

At summer camps, taekwondo is practiced in a relaxed atmosphere and it doesn't matter if you have previous experience in the sport. There are suitable and inspiring challenges and experiences for everyone. In addition to taekwondo training, at summer camps we go outside every day, invent physical games in the gym, eat a tasty lunch in the hall's lunch restaurant, relax by watching a movie and have fun in every way.

The camp takes place in our gym at Ristipellontie 1A


    By sending the form, I agree that my data will be stored in the customer service system and/or customer register and will be used for communication and managing my customer relationship with me. More information at

    Those who register will receive even more detailed camp information closer to the start of the camps. However, don't hesitate to ask if something was unclear: or 045-1827290.

    Camps are not organized if there are fewer than ten participants.

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    Are you a coach for Taekwondo athletes?

    There is a constant demand for new coaches as the business grows

    The activities of taekwondo athletes have grown continuously since the establishment and new coaches have joined at a steady pace. In the future, more new coaches are still needed, and for this, the autumn 2019 coach search is now open.

    Anyone over the age of 16 with at least a red belt can apply to become a coach.

    Why become a coach?

    Teaching Taekwondo brings one additional dimension to your own training and development. By teaching, the things being practiced are internalized in a new way, and thus the coach's own learning speeds up. The development of coaches is extremely important for Taekwondo athletes, and therefore the development of coaches is supported in different ways. Everyone becomes a coach from their own starting point. For one, the goal is coaching in itself, for another, self-development. The reasons for acting as a coach are individual and can best be found through the coaching work itself.

    Mentions of the legendary coaches of taekwondo athletes for the reasons that have made them stay active year after year:

    • The feeling of success when your trainees achieve their goals (belt exams, competition success)
    • The opportunity to influence the activities of an important community
    • A feeling of appreciation for both enthusiasts, their parents and other instructors
    • The opportunity to develop and test new ways of practicing taekwondo
    • Joint activities of the coaches, such as evening parties and instructor training
    • Learn more about taekwondo yourself through coaching

    In addition to these, responsible coaches enjoy many practical benefits, which in themselves may be enough of a reason to start working as a coach. However, long-term work requires internal motivation, which can be found, for example, in the issues listed above.

    How do you become a coach for taekwondo athletes?

    The first step is to declare your willingness to start coaching, after which we will be happy to tell you more about practices and coaching in general. After this, you get to practice coaching with a coach mentor for one training season. At first as an assistant teacher and step by step taking over bigger entities. Towards the end of the training season, the novice coach guides a whole set of exercises together with the coach mentor. In addition to learning by doing, separate upcoming days are organized for beginning coaches, where the theory of coaching and the club's operating methods are reviewed. Mentors and coaches responsible for training are there for you throughout the training period.

    Did you get excited about the idea of starting as a coach? If you want to participate in the coach training in the fall, send a message to, call 0451827290 or register at the gym with one of the responsible coaches.


    It's easy for a coach to smile when there are enough medals to hand out to others!
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    Silver for Chaimaa from the Luxembourg Open

    Taekwondo athletes were represented in the high-level Luxembourg Open G1 competitions by a small but victorious team. Chahrazed, Chaimaa, Sara and Plum, who actively toured international competitions in the spring and achieved success, were also chasing medals this time. Chaimaa was responsible for the hardest result this time, who took silver in her own series, and the victory in the final was not too far away either. Sara took the bronze after having to admit that her German opponent was better in the semi-final. Unfortunately for Chahrazed and Plum, the opening losses, but the competition served as an excellent level gauge, and there is no need to be disappointed with the performances.

    A big bow to the athletes and the coaching team Eddie and Fatima! We will definitely see great results from the upcoming summer and autumn competitions.

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    New poom and dan values for taekwondo athletes

    Determined training was rewarded on 15.6. in an organized exam

    Luca, Janika, Sofia and Daniel showed their skills on Saturday 15.6. in the organized poom exam in Konala. A few days earlier, Luca, who turned 15 years old, completed his 2nd Dan black belt while the other trainees completed their 1st Poom belt grades. The test day was the culmination of years of determined and hard work, and the test subjects really showed what skills they had learned along the way.

    The test started in the morning with a technical part piloted by Petter, where the entire spectrum of taekwondo was covered, from kicking techniques to hand techniques and positions. There was enough momentum both in the exam and in the trials for the whole morning. The level of technology was high. I especially remembered Sofia's clean and powerful techniques.

    After the technical part, the test subjects demonstrated their knowledge of the sport in a theory test and at the same time had a short break. Janika got the highest points in the theory test. The test continued with the grappling part held by Paul, which tested the test takers' ability to apply technique to step fights, self-defense and taekwondo matches. At the end, speed was still sought with jump kicks and smashes. Luca, who is aiming for the top belt, got extra challenges here and there, but he solved them wonderfully and also showed flying performances even in the jumping kick phase.

    All in all, great performances from the whole team. One milestone has now been completed, but the journey has only just begun.

    Big congratulations to the new poom and dan values and good luck in your future training!

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