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The contract price list for taekwondo athletes will be clarified in the autumn season

Changes in prices and contract types

The activities of taekwondo athletes and the number of enthusiasts have grown steadily since the establishment. The biggest single growth spurt has of course been the move to new premises in the fall of 2018. The new premises have enabled increasingly high-quality and spacious training conditions for all enthusiasts, while it has been possible to establish new training and age groups.

With growth, new groups and changes in operations, the contract collection, which has remained fairly static since the beginning, needs updating and especially clarification. At the beginning of August 2019, we will switch to a new enterprise resource planning system, which will facilitate the work of office workers and enable even better customer service. Logging exercises and monitoring training visits also become easier.

New contracts and prices from 1 August 2019

Why do contract types and prices change?

  • The old model, where especially athletes have several contracts valid at the same time, is unclear, especially if the contracts start at different times.
  • The new enterprise resource planning system enables and also requires the creation of clearer contract types.
  • Exercises are still offered in abundance for all groups, which keeps the price of an individual exercise low.
  • The price increases have been kept very moderate. The reasons for the increase are the transition to new, larger training facilities, the establishment of new groups and the growth of the training offer.

Enthusiasts will be informed in more detail during the summer and early autumn about the practical steps of the contract change and the related new practices.

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Summer practice times

Summer is the best time to train!

Training for taekwondo athletes continues throughout the summer, excluding the middle two weeks of July, when the coaches are in the summer pastures. The summer is the best time to train when other busyness eases. The most diligent summer trainers also participate in the belt test organized in August.

Level groups are always combined in the summer before new elementary groups start in the fall. This is an excellent way to become part of the continuation group and get to train with new friends. There aren't any free workouts on Friday, but everyone can still find plenty of exercise options outside of the basic workouts.

In the summer, of course, we also spend time outside. As a new exercise for children, a training focused on games and games will be organized, where they will be in the yard whenever the weather permits. Young people and adults, on the other hand, get a tan, of course, on the jätämäki as part of a traditional hill workout.

Summer training in a nutshell

4-6 year olds

  • One basic exercise
  • You played and played with other children on Tuesdays. Bring equipment suitable for outdoor activities

7-9 and 10-12 year olds

  • Two exercises specific to the age group
  • You played and played with other children on Tuesdays. Bring equipment suitable for outdoor activities

13-15-year-olds and +16-year-olds

  • Two exercises specific to each age group
  • General kick practice on Wednesdays. Focuses on different kicking techniques through skill and repetition.
  • Additional exercises. Of course, hill training is included as an alternative to Wednesday's kick training.

Racing groups

  • 3-4 training sessions of your own competition style per week
  • Ancillary training

Practice times 3.6.-8.8. (Note: summer break at the gym July 8-21)

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Great performances in the belt exams in May

Quickly new belt values for all age groups

The belt exams in May have traditionally had the largest number of people seeking a new belt rank, and this year was no exception.

Belt test week started on Monday, when Petteri took the level test for young children. Being active in training showed up as a sure thing to do in the exam and, above all, as great fun!

On Tuesday, it was the adults' lower belts, and the test was supervised by Pauli. The technical competence was at an excellent level, and the bar was not even blinked for anyone.

On Thursday, new belt values were earned by upper belts from both youth and adult groups under the watchful eye of Juho R and Paul. The two and a half hour exam was intense, but the group seemed to get even more fired up as the exam wore on. At the end of the test, it was not unclear that the group had earned their new belt values.

No fewer than three tests were held on Friday, when Teemu and Juho K. took the tests for the lower belts for children and young people. The fun and the company didn't run out for these groups either, and it was nice to see how much the enthusiasts have progressed again since their last test.

Big congratulations to everyone who completed the new belt rank!

Remember to train hard even in the summer, because August is the next opportunity to complete new belts. ;)

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The record-breaking team won medals from Nurtsi

Great thrilling performances and a great feeling in the Nurtzi Open 2019 competitions

The taekwondo athletes celebrated their medals on Saturday 11.5. in the international and high-class Nurtzi Open with 38 competitors. Success is indicated by the award for the second best club!

Those who were there testified to the top feeling in terms of the fighters and the supporters. Koutsei was in a hurry, but this did not hinder the going. Worked as a team leader in competitions Pot reports:

"They participated for the first time in the smallest children's series Vivian, Lisandra, Arvi, Noel, Jalmari and Yusuf. Everyone fought their first races very well. You could see a good attitude and hard work from everyone on the field, as well as great attempts.

They also competed in the smallest series for boys Max and Luca, who had one race's worth of experience under them. This time Max won the entire -26kg series. Yusuf from the -30kg series also got a gold medal after tight matches.

9-11 year olds competed in the beginner's series Vanessa, Hasan, Teemu and Khalid. played on the more experienced side Alisa, Milay and Markus. You could see a good mood and great performances from everyone. After two matches, Teemu and Milay took home the gold and Vanessa the silver!

Hassan showed skillful movement and control of the situation for the first time. However, the tight fight still turned in favor of the opponent.

The cadets had great performances in both the beginners and more experienced categories. They were there to compete Iines, Sara, Jenny, Janika, Sofia, Kaisla, Honey, Priya, Alina, Venne and Hamza. You could really fight for the brightest medals and even those who missed the first rounds had excellent performances against tough opponents. A great series win for Alina on the beginners' side, and gold for Iinek and Sara on the advanced side. Both of their final fights showed great perseverance and focus after a long day.

Taekwondo athletes were represented in the juniors Emmi, Alina Shor, Lauri, Teresa and Eddie. Almost everyone won medals, even if the brightest fished this time around the necks of the opposition. Especially memorable was Eddie's high and steady fight against the Norwegian EC medalist. Lauri, Emmi and Alina took all the great opening victories, and Lauri even after the next one, still finishing with bronze. Alina Shor continued until the final, but this time she was satisfied with the silver medal.

In the adult leagues, the pitch was poor Bard and Severus and in the +30-year-old heavy Masters series Risto and Riku.

Bardia made a wonderful progress to the final, which turned out to be a real thriller. At the end of the wonderful match, Bardia got the gold around his neck and left the hall as the champion's first series winner. As usual, Bardia also shouted to the hall from the stands during the day.

Despite his good performance, Severi missed the first round this time.

Riku's opening match was decided in favor of the opponent despite some good moves. Risto made it to the final in the series, which his opponent took at the end of a long day.

From Koutsi, thank you to the entire team that participated. Kudos to the maintenance crews, who did a great job keeping the stuff in the stands in the coaches' field during the training session.

Congratulations to the contestants on their new achievements!"

All results>>

The results of the matches in the charts>>

Image moods

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Kim Sinisalo's match camp 8.6.


Kim Sinisalo's popular March camp will continue in June. The camp is suitable for everyone interested in match taekwondo. Welcome from near and far!

You can pay for your participation on the spot in cash or later with an invoice.

Register here!

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    May belt exams

    May belt exams

    • 7-15 year olds on Friday 24.5.
      • 17:00-18:00 – 7-15 year old yellow belt winners
      • 18:00-19:00 – 7-15-year-old green ribbon finishers
      • 19:00-20:30 – 7-15 year old blue ribbon and blue belt winners
      • Those who complete red ribbons and upper belts will take the test on Thursday 23.5 with adults performing higher belts.
      • Those who do not have an exam have practice according to the normal schedule.
    • Adults on Tuesday 21.5. and on Thursday 23.5.
      • Tuesday 20:00-21:30 Two blue ribbons and lower belt values
      • Thursday 18:00-20:30 belt test for upper belts (blue belts and upper belts).
      • Those who do not have an exam have practice according to the normal schedule.
    • Children aged 4-6 on Monday 20.5.
      • 18:00-19:00 – Mark test during your own exercises
    • Getting to the belt exam requires, depending on the belt rank, a sufficient number of exercises and training months from the previous belt exam. Instructors check the training times in the login system. Sent to all participants in the belt test invitation by email. The list can also be seen at the instructor's desk in the hall about a week before the exam. Please also make sure that you know the things asked in the belt test by checking the belt test instructions on the gym wall or asking your trainer for more information.
    • Note! The belt test is sent invoice before the exam. By paying the bill, you register for the belt test. If you want to pay for the exam in cash on the spot, let us know in advance. The prices of belt tests can be found from the price list.
    • It is required of all participants in the exam Sports license of the Finnish Taekwondo Association, which can be ordered from the association's website.
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    The business league team won medals from the HNMKY Taekwondo Open

    Part of the business series team was competing in Berlin over the weekend, but the rest went to the HNMKY business series competition organized in Malmi and the results were great again!

    Eron the competition fitness hit the button and the result was a win over the jinnuboys series with convincing performances. The scores also indicated a successful day. Eero also won silver in the doubles with Mudo Lohja's Elvi Ollila.

    Gold was also hung Alex's and Bella's around the neck, both wearing their own cadet sets. For Vickan silver from cadets and bronze from doubles with Alex.

    They competed in the adult individual series Titus and Laura, the latter also in the role of coach. Both succeeded perfectly in their hard-level series. Bronze for Laura in the U40 women and Tiitu a great fourth place in the U30 women. In addition to this, Laura won gold for pairing Vihti with Jeppe Aukio.

    Big congratulations to the whole team!

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    Sara for silver in the Sofia Open G1 race

    A team of taekwondo athletes in action in Sofia

    Easter can be spent in many ways, and one of the best is of course participating in taekwondo competitions. Sara, Venne, Alina, Chahra and Chaimaa showed their skills in the Sofia Open 2019 G1 competitions and the results speak for themselves.

    Sara had a real top day when first the G1 medalist from Serbia and then the reigning champion from Cyprus hit the road. The Ukrainian opponent in the finals had also collected sea rites and we could see a ticklingly even battle. Until the very end, the situation could have turned either way, but in the end, Sara was satisfied with the silver. A great performance by Saralata considering that every opponent was almost a head taller.

    Chaimaa played semi-fit after being ill, but still styled an excellent opening win against Greece. The semi-final was also the tightest and a solution was sought all the way to the overtime. Unfortunately, this time the points go to the opponent. Of course, it was left in the tooth, because Chaimaa caught several headers that looked clear, but for one reason or another there were no points. Nicely, however, a bronze medal and the results show that brighter medals are within reach.

    Chahra's confident moves continued after the silver at the Belgian Games. In the opening match, Australia fell 13-7. In the semifinals, he faced a tough Serbian, who this time took a longer shot and thus Chahra's ranking was fifth.

    Venne fought an excellent match while still recovering from illness. The match was even, but it's hard to keep up the pace when you're half fit, so the match unfortunately went to Ukraine. An excellent race experience for Venne, however. Also a sad opening loss for Alina, but all the same a backpack of valuable experience to take home.

    In addition to the results, the competition trip also left a good taste in my mouth. Eddy and Fatima, who were the coaches, got the team in an excellent mood and the team spirit was high. All Finns were there as one group and helped and encouraged each other. Great!

    Big congratulations to the medalists!

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    Good mood at the Rauma Games

    Rauma Open 2019 matches were organized on Saturday 13.4. Takekwondo players traveled with a small team, but each of them had several matches and suitably tough opponents. The trip was successful both in terms of the number of medals and the experience gained.

    Plum worked hard as usual in two weight classes, in both of which he advanced to the finals with clear figures. The final of the -59 kg category was held first and Plum dominated the match for two sets. Unfortunately, the long day showed in the legs and I ran out of gas in the last race and I saw a silver medal around my neck. After a break in one match, a club friend who weighed -63 kilos stepped up Lauri, who had cleared his way to the final with a really hard work victory in the semi-final match. The boys again served fast and steady twisting. The final result is gold for Plum with a score of 17-11. Bard competed in the men's -74 kilos and also qualified for the final with a certain number of shots. The opponent, known from the past and known to be challenging, was still ahead this time and also brought home silver for Bardia.

    Great race from all three. Congratulations on the medals!

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    The hall is closed on Easter and May Day

    Exercises will not be arranged on Easter and May Day on the following days:


    19.4. - Good Friday
    21.4. - First day of Easter
    22.4. - Second Easter day

    First of May:

    30.4. – May Day
    1.5. – May Day

    Very nice holidays to everyone!

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