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Changes to the exercises of the movement series competition group

There will be small changes to the training calendar of the business series competition group starting this week. Tuesday's practices at 17:00-18:30 will be changed from a practice open to everyone to a closed practice intended for the club's own young competitors. Thursday's exercises at 17-18:30 will be changed from a self-paced exercise to a fully guided exercise and it will still remain open to everyone.

In the future, the Taekwondo athletes' own young competitors who have separately asked the coach responsible for the movement series, Heikki Liukko, will be allowed to participate in Tuesday's training sessions. The intention is to turn the training session into the young competitors' own practice, in which children who compete with goals up to the age group of cadets participate.

Until now, Thursday's practices have been semi-autonomous practices, where a coach has been present, but from this week on Thursdays, full service is on and the coach on Thursdays is usually Ville Lehtinen, or Skavi among the familiar.

Welcome to training!

Team FIN

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