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The coach's thoughts and ideas about the belt tests

A lot has happened this week in terms of belt tests. Even so much that I myself have passed the exam again after a long time. On Thursday, Teemu held dankokes for Paul, Tanja and Hannu. I myself was honored to participate in the test in the role of sparring partner. I got to pair up with Hannu in step matches and a match. Then I also got to remember what it feels like to fight two against one, when Pauli and Hannu and I put each other in a tight spot. It was very nice to see how many high-level friends we have in the company as instructors and how they became official taekwondo teachers after the exam, when they reached 4th degree black belts. Although here I wrote more about Hannu and Paul, we should not forget Tanja as well, who also showed very good skills. It's just that I didn't get to pair up with Tanja this time, so those analyzes were thinner for Tanja.

You will try the portrait of Saturday 5 December 2015
You will try out in the portrait on Saturday 5 December 2015

I mentioned at the beginning that I also passed the exam this week, when on Saturday I had the 5th degree black belt exam at the Helsinki club gym. The test was received by Henri Nordenswan and Jari Hintsanen. I myself have completed all my black belt exams with Henka, except for the first one. I took my 1 Dan exam for the belt college at the time in 2003. You can conclude from the year numbers that the number of exams decreases the further you get in your taekwondo career. This is the message I want to bring to all of you enthusiastic enthusiasts and parents of enthusiasts. The same formula also applies to colored belts. At first, there are always tests for the color belt at the end of the season, but their number also decreases as the color of the belt darkens. Taekwondo enthusiasts should remember that it's a completely different thing to take the exams for a yellow belt than for a blue belt. Practicing Taekwondo requires perseverance and patience. When you can train for a long time and a lot, those belts will come from there.

Testers and teachers

Then we'll get to the opportunity to try it ourselves. One thing that is the same in all exams, whether it is a yellow belt exam or a higher black belt exam, is attitude. The attitude and will to reach the next belt rank is the most important thing to reach a new belt rank. Of course, you have to have the technical know-how and background information, but without the will and attitude, you cannot achieve a new belt rank. Yesterday afternoon there were five of us doing the test and the feedback from the test takers was that the attitude and will exuded from the test takers. Although the physical part was short, it was all the more intense, and this intensity came from us experimenters. Now, writing this article, you feel that intensity. The whole body is completely relaxed and good when you can manage to tap the computer. And this is how it should be done and its level should be experimental. This is one thing that we practice in taekwondo and that is tested at regular intervals with belt exams. When the color of the belt gets darker, you have to start experimenting more and more. In the first belt tests, the teachers make sure that the required level is met, but in the later stages the test takers have to take care of this themselves if they want to achieve the new belt values.

With these pleasant feelings and sensations, it is very nice to end this article that opens up the coach's thoughts.

Once again, I wish everyone the best of luck with their new belt ranks and success in the upcoming belt exams on your taekwondo journey!


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