
Summer camp for children and young people

The summer camp for children and young people, which has become almost a tradition, will be organized again this year right after school ends. The camp is a week-long day camp, where each day includes two exercises, outdoor activities, lunch, a snack and games. The camp is suitable for everyone aged 7-15, from beginners to more advanced enthusiasts. Registration at When registering, mention the hobbyist's name, age, belt value (if any) and any food allergies. You should register quickly, because only the first 20 people who register can be admitted to the camp. If there are a lot of registrations and inquiries, a similar camp can also be organized in the second week of June.

What: Summer camp for children and young people

Timing: First week of June, Mon-Fri 1-5 June 2015

At:  9:00-15:00 (possibility to apply later)

Price: €175 (includes lunch and snacks)

Goal of the camp: The goal of the summer camp is to offer children and young people a physical activity at the beginning of the summer vacation. In addition, two extra exercises/day makes it possible to teach things more precisely and more versatile than what is gathered to attend the normal weekly exercises.

A more detailed schedule and description of the camp will be published after registration is closed.


Hall closed on Easter 3-6 April.

The gym for taekwondo athletes is closed on Easter, April 3-6. between.

The club wishes everyone a very happy Easter!



Eddie is fighting in Qatar this weekend

The representative of taekwondo athletes, Eddie Quinones, will compete in the Qatar International Open Taekwondo competition, which will be held for the first time this weekend. Eddie competes in the cadet -45kg category, which has 20 registered participants from ten different countries.



Silver for Sara from Germany

Sara, Eddie and Emmi represented Taekwondo athletes at the German Club Championships for Newcomers held in Bonn. Yarley was the coach on the trip.

Sara won her first match in show style 13-0. In the semi-final, Israel's Romy Chmilevsky fell 12-6. In the final, Sara faced Spain's Elsa Hernandez, coached by Jesús Ramal. The Spaniard won the pot this time, but for Sara to take home a great silver.

Eddie clearly won 13-0 against his German opponent Emir Munir-Sabanuc and advanced to the semi-finals of his tough series. However, Germany's Mohammed Ali pulled a longer stroke and progressed all the way to winning the series. Bronze for Eddie.

Emmi started her own match strongly by taking a 3-0 lead with a back kick. However, the opponent tightened up and after a tight fight, Emmi had to give up, finishing 6th-10th.

The club congratulates the contestants on their great positions!

Germany_team Sara_silver_germany Eddie_bronze_germany Germany2


Belt exams and indoor competitions this week

Belt tests Tue, Wed and Thur, gym competitions Fri

The taekwondo athletes' hall has been finished and renovated to its new appearance. Rehearsals start on Monday with the normal schedule from 17:00 onwards.

Tuesday 24.2. belt exams for 7-14 year olds are held. At 17-18, all yellow belt passers (8th kup) and all green belt passers (7th kup) take part in the exam. From 18:00 to 20:00, all candidates with two yellow ribbons and higher belts will take part in the exam. Those who do not have a belt test have exercises normally on the other side of the curtain.

On Wednesday 25.2. is held Belt exams for 3-6 year olds at 6-7pm. Those who do not have a belt test have joint exercises at 5-6 pm.

Thursday 26.2. belt exams for adults are held.

Participants in the tests have been informed about the test before the skiing holiday. If you are unsure about your own belt test, contact the instructors.

On Friday 27.2. the indoor competitions are organized on a regular schedule, i.e. the juniors start at 17:00 with joint warm-ups and tight matches, and the adults continue at 19:00. Now is a good time to buy your own protections and test drive them in indoor competitions. They are an almost essential addition to the contents of the training bag, even for basic hobbies.


Taekwondo athletes' events at the beginning of the year


Information for the beginning of the year for taekwondo athletes

Happy new year to all fans of the club! Training has started again in January in Konala with the same schedule as in the fall. The group divisions have not changed either. If you currently do not know in which group you should train, contact the instructors. In Tapiola, there have been some minor changes to training times and groups, which you should check on the website on the Tapiola subpage.

As spring rolls around, the events of Taekwondo athletes as well as other clubs and federations start to become more frequent. The most important spring events have been compiled in this newsletter, but you should also keep an eye on the news releases on our website and subscribe to the newsletter if you haven't done so yet. It is also worth checking the event calendar of the Finnish Taekwondo Association from time to time. Participation in the association's events and Taekwondo athletes' belt exams requires the possession of the association's sport license. So if the license is still missing for this year, I'll go to the website of the Taekwondo Association to order it.

Have a really good and fast-paced year!

Taekwondo athletes 2011

Events of the beginning of the year

16.2.-22-2. Hall renovation

  • Due to the renovation of the hall, the hall is exceptionally closed during the ski holiday. We are renovating and expanding the hall. We welcome enthusiasts to an even bigger gym after the holidays
  • If you want to help with the renovation work in the hall, and you would have time to help on one of the days of 14.2. – 22.2., announce your willingness to join juho ( Renovation is done all week, but the hall is not occupied from morning to night. Let me know when you would be able to help, so there will be no unnecessary trips. We also gratefully accept any material left over from your own renovations. So offer, for example, a fair mat, Molton fabric, plywood or plasterboard, frame posts, screws, paints, etc.).
  • During the ski holiday, camps are organized at least in Lohja and Turku

February belt exams

  • 3-6 year olds: Wed 25.2. People other than those taking the exam will not have exercises
  • 7-14 year olds: Tue 24.2.
  • Adults: Thu 26.2.
  • More detailed schedules and group divisions will be announced closer to the exam
  • Getting to the belt exam requires a license and enough practice times from the previous belt exam. You can ask your group instructor for more information.

21.3. spring day of taekwondo athletes and Helsinki open karonka

  • Spring day is spent at the gym with training, lunch and awards. All enthusiasts and parents of enthusiasts are welcome to the event
  • In the evening, the program continues for adults in the sauna room of the Töölö competition hall at Paavo Nurmen kuja 1, 00250 Helsinki. Special thanks to everyone who participated in the Helsinki Open talk group, but everyone else is also welcome
  • A more detailed schedule for the day will be published closer to the time

Indoor competitions (30.1., 27.2., 27.3., 24.4., 29.5.)

  • Indoor competitions are held every last Friday of the month throughout the spring
  • Juniors start at 5:00 p.m. and adults and juniors at 7:00 p.m
  • For indoor competitions, it is good to get your own match protection. You can get more information from the instructors in the gym.

Union's Winter Camp 13.-15.2. in Tampere

  • The traditional big camp of the Taekwondo Association, which gathers taekwondo enthusiasts from all over the country
  • Directed by four-time world champion and Olympic gold medalist Jeong Kook Hyun
  • Read more information and register on the website of the Taekwondo League:

Indoor competitions in Nurmijärvi

14.3. match league competition and amateur/junior series in Loviisa

  • The first national competition of the year in Loviisa
  • Register well in advance at the address State your age, current weight and license number (sport ID)


From here you can download the beginning of the year bulletin as a PDF file.



Christmas break

Hall closed for Christmas and New Year

Taekwondo athletes spend Christmas vacation 20.12.-6.1. During this time, no actual exercises are organized in the gym. However, the most eager can register 28.12 to be organized for the training camp in the middle days or ask private lessons.

Taekwondo athletes wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!




Half-day training camp 28.12.

Come and hone your kicking technique in the Christmas break!

Taekwondo athletes take a break from actual training in the days between Christmas, but there is no need to completely stay in the corner of the sofa. On Sunday 28.12. namely, a training camp of three exercises will be organized, with the theme this year being kick combinations and special and skill kicks. The camp is suitable for everyone over the age of 8, from yellow belt upwards.

More information about the camp from the ad or from the instructors in the gym. Registrations to

midday camp_2015



Belt tests for children and young people

3-6 year olds

Belt tests for children aged 3-6 are on Wednesday 10.12. during normal training sessions. People other than those going to the belt exams do not have exercises in that case.

7-14 year olds

Due to the large number of belt buckles, children and young people 9.12. the organized belt test is divided into three different level groups:

17:00-18:00 – Yellow belt performers

18:00-19:00 – Performers of green ribbons

19:00-20:30 – Green and higher belts

The exam participant lists can be read on the notice board in the hall. You can also ask the group instructor about it.

The price of the belt test is determined by the belt to be taken and can be checked in the "price list" section of the pages. The fee can be paid in cash during the exam or later by invoice.


Practices for adults are canceled on Friday 28.11.

The practices of the adult elementary group and advanced group have been canceled from this week's Friday at 19:00-20:00 due to the arrangements for the league finals. The Juniors' practices earlier than this will be held normally.

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