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Taekwondo athletes were successful in the match league

The final scores of the 2016 match league have been published

The 2016 match league was wrapped up in the Parainen league finals at the end of November. The association published the final total points and series points now, although of course the winners already received their trophies in connection with the league finals. Taekwondo athletes was the third most successful match club. The second place could not have been closer, with Turku Budokwai Taekwondo only one point ahead in the total points. Euran Yong taekwondo won the combined points competition with a clear difference to the following.

Taekwondo athletes were particularly strongly represented in the cadet series. Plum won no less than two league championships from the cadets' -41 and -45 series. Hannes won the -49 series by solving a tight and even tighter twist to his name in the league finals. Eddie, on the other hand, easily won the -57 kg category. In the girls, Aino won the -33 series with a clear point difference and came second in the -29 series. Emmi's victory in the girls' -51 series was also clear. There were no wins in B-junnu and adults, but there were places. As the younger age group grows, even those series start to fill up with Taekwondo athletes and first placers.

Congratulations again to all the league medalists!

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