
SM-kisat & Pori Cup in Pori on November 16, 2013

1000px-Porin_coat-of-arms.svgSm-kisat and Pori Cup

A team of taekwondo athletes for the World Championships

Milla Väyrynen, SM – Cadets -37 Kg

Kasper Wargelin, SM – Cadets -37 Kg

Aaha Moullaev, SM – Cadets -49 Kg

Aleksi Väyrynen, SM – Cadets -41 Kg and SM – Youth -45 Kg

Voker Feka, SM – Cadets -61 Kg and SM – Youth -63 Kg

Tanja Lovikka, SM – Adults -49 Kg

Pauli Raivio, SM – Adults -68 Kg

Juho Kostiainen, SM – Adults -80 Kg

Petteri Kauppinen, SM – Adults -80 Kg

Teemu Heino, SM – Adults +87 Kg

A team of taekwondo athletes to the Pori Cup

Megii Moullaev, D1 juniors -40 Kg

Sara Quinones, D-juniors -28 Kg and E-juniors -28 Kg

Eddie Quinones, D-juniors -40 Kg

The guardians are Sampo Pajulampi, Juho Ranta, Teemu Heino, Petteri Kauppinen, Juho Kostiainen and Pauli Raivio.

NOTE! 15., 16. and 17.11 all trainings have been canceled because of the race!

Participants & info

Competition invitation SM

Competition invitation Pori Cup

On Twitter @taekwondourh and #taekwondosm


Bronze for taekwondo athletes from the St. Petersburg Baltic Sea Cup

1265831_10200644835665103_783470035_oUp, down, up, down…

St. Petersburg's Baltic Sea Cup is a traditional team invitational tournament, where the following team was sent this year:
58 kg Toni Lahtinen, Loviisa Taekwondo (Mustafa Yevloyev, St. Petersburg)
-68 kg Sami Lahtinen, Loviisa Taekwondo
-80 kg Juho Kostiainen, TU11
+80 Teemu Heino, TU11
Coach: Petteri Kauppinen, TU11
Physiotherapist: Juho Ranta, TU11
Technical delegate and team leader: Sampo Pajulampi, TU11


The first setback was felt already on Thursday, when Toni Lahtinen got a new assignment for the rest of his military service, which meant canceling his weekend vacations. The matter was investigated persistently on Friday, but even though the Defense Forces were willing to be flexible, Toni was not included.

Therefore, the young Mustafa Yevloyev from St. Petersburg came to strengthen the team, who, despite his hard effort, was clearly a weaker player than Toni.

In the first round, they faced the first team from Moscow. The whole team had a rough start, and the match ended in a draw after Mustafa and Sami lost their match. When the draw still brought the -58 kilos for the deciding match, and Mustafa couldn't find new drugs, the opening round defeat was a fact.

In the second round, St. Petersburg's second team gave up -58 and -68 kilograms due to injuries. Teemu and Juho handled their part in an exemplary manner.

1262983_10200644835225092_200613214_oThe bronze medal match took place as an 8-minute match, so that each weight class competed for one minute in two rounds. Manual scoring and flying substitutions were used.

Juho and Teemu's high percentage points in particular brought a clear victory for Finland.

So bring bronze medals and crystal drinking glasses.

At the evening banquet, we discussed cooperation and good help in both directions came about commendably.


Taekwondo athletes have a strong representation in St. Petersburg's Baltic Sea Cup

Taekwondo St.Petersburg St. PetersburgInvitation competition for teams

In the Baltic Sea Cup, there will be a team invitational competition, where Finland will be represented by TU11 and a team assembled from Loviisa taekwondo.

The preliminary rounds are played man against man as normal matches, and the final is played under the rules of a team match.


-58 kg Toni Lahtinen, Loviisa Taekwondo
-68 kg Sami Lahtinen, Loviisa Taekwondo
-80 kg Juho Kostiainen, TU11
+80 Teemu Heino, TU11

Maintenance team:


Petteri Kauppinen, TU11


Juho Ranta, TU11

Technical delegate and team leader:

Sampo Pajulampi, TU11


At the taekwondo athletes' camp, the resistances were knotted

taekwondoJari Seppälä and Juho Kostiainen guided enthusiasts into the secrets of trickery and confusion

The theme of the day was fooling the opponent and practicing it. Juho Kostiainen led the morning warm-up workouts, which included various games that develop the ability to fool around and react correctly. In addition, the same concepts were extended to match situation exercises.

In the afternoon, Jari Seppälä continued to talk about the topic. Jari brought his long experience as a coach to the use of the trainees, and everyone left the camp with a backpack full of new things to think about.

In terms of the number of participants, the camp was slightly smaller than usual, did the nice spring weather attract people to other woods?


Team of taekwondo athletes for the Nurmijärvi Games 2.2.

The team of taekwondo athletes consists of 2.2. mainly the athletes we follow for the first time.


Widowed Luca E (minor) Boys -34kg man
MOULLAEV Megii D2 (aspirant) Boys -37kg man
Quinones EDDIE D2 (aspirant) Boys -40kg man
Salmenniemi Sisu D1 (aspirant) Boys -34kg man
Kasper of Wargel D1 (aspirant) Boys -37kg man
Saha Jaakko H (General) Men +87kg man
Widowed Sami Seniors +30 (M) -68kg man

The coaches are Sampo Pajulampi, Teemu Heino and Juho Kostiainen


All participants:

Competition invitation:

Friday 1 February 2013

19.00 – 20.00 Weigh-in opportunity for everyone

Saturday 2 February 2013

08.00 – 08.30 First weigh-ins
08.15 – 08.45 Jury meeting
08.45 – 08.55 Team leaders' meeting
09.00 – 19.00 Competitions in progress
NOTE! The schedule is preliminary and will be updated according to registrations. focused
the schedule is published on the competition website:

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