
A mistake in Tapiola's taekwondo times

Taekwondo athlete Jenna Partanen is one of the most successful graduates of Tapiola Taekwondo. In the future, Jenna will gather success in the colors of Taekwondo athletes

Taekwondourheilijat 2011 ry started teaching taekwondo in the Tapiola area on the former shifts of Tapiola Taekwondo Hwang, continuing the club's activities. The training shifts remained the same, but an error had slipped into Tapiola's training calendar for Thursday's follow-up group trainings. In the schedule it was indicated that the exercises were between 17-19, when the correct shifts are between 19-21. The schedule has now been updated to the training calendar. Apologies to those who had time to mess up their plans due to this mistake.


Play a fun game of TU11

Taekwondourheilijat on julkaissut oman versionsa suositusta 2048-pelistä. Pelin tarkoituksena on kaivaa esiin yksitoista erilaista kuvaa. Peliä pelataan tietokoneen nuolinäppäimillä, eikä se siksi välttämättä toimi kaikissa kännyköissä. Joka nuolenpainalluksella 4*4-pelikentän kaikki kuvalaatikot siirtyvät nuolen osoittamaan suuntaan niin pitkälle kuin tilaa on. Mikäli kaksi samanlaista kuvaa ovat liikkeen suuntaan peräkkäin, yhdistyvät ne uudeksi kuvaksi. Jokaisella siirrolla kenttään ilmestyy sattumanvaraiseen paikkaan uusi kuva, joka on – niin ikään sattumanvaraisesti – joko Petterin spagaatti tai Sampon sonnal kumgang momtong maki, kuitenkin niin, että spagaattikuva ilmestyy monin verroin todennäköisemmin.

Pelaa peliä osoitteessa:

Parhaasta pelituloksesta kuvakaappauksen osoitteeseen toukokuun 2014 loppuun mennessä lähettänyt henkilö palkitaan Prodobokin lippalakilla.


2048 - Taekwondourheilijat 2011 Edition
2048 – Taekwondourheilijat 2011 Edition

TU11 strengthens its position in the vanguard of technology

At times, enthusiasts have had trouble knowing where to get the easiest answers to current questions. "When does tomorrow's camp start?" "I'm not on the internet, and they say there's important information about tomorrow's race trip?"

Telephone machine
Now TU11 has also acquired a telephone
Now you can contact the club's phone for urgent questions,
045 1827290.

The phone is usually answered by Pauli, who is always up-to-date on the club's affairs, and if he doesn't know, he will find out.

Of course, the old contact channels are still recommended, in the gym you can and should ask all the instructors about unclear matters, and the email address serves as before. All contact information can be found on the right side of the page under Contact information.


Silver for Paul from WCTT

Danish flagInstructor of taekwondo athletes and the newest competition representative Pauli Raivio took silver in the traditional Wonderful Copenhagen Taekwondo Tournament. Pauli took the series higher than normal, finding his way all the way to the final of the series, where, after a sudden death round, he had to recognize the multiple Nordic champion Lennart Theilgard as his better.

Although the others did not win the matches this time, everyone got medals and a lot of experience to take home.

After the competitions, Pauli, Tanja Lovikka and Aleksi and


Milla Väyrynen will still be camping in TU11's gym with Zacharia Asidah, who went to train and coach before the World Championships.

The first trainings were already held on Sunday and there was a nice group of people training with the taekwondo athletes.

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For taekwondo athletes, World Championship bronze in parataekwondo

Medalists on the podium

Today, June 8, 2013, Matti Sairanen (TU11) won the bronze medal at the World Para Taekwondo Championships in Switzerland.

In his first match, Matti beat Spain's Santiago Malvar Fernandez after a tight match 7-6. In the semifinals, the Russian Vitaly Nazarenko was stronger with numbers 1-8. For Mat, therefore, a bronze as a continuation of the previous bronze and silver medals.

As in previous competitions, Mat had Sampo Pajulampi as his coach.

All results>>


Miatali and yodeling cow
Miatali and yodeling cow

New belt values in the last belt tests of spring 2013

vyo values beltIn the last belt tests of the spring for taekwondo athletes on 21 May 2013, six new belt values were achieved. Mari Havakka and Anna Kumpulainen achieved the green belts (6 kup), the third degree yellow belt (7+ kup) was achieved by Sami Leskinen, the second degree yellow belt (7 kup) was achieved by Johanna Mäkelä and Jani Kuusela and the yellow belt (8 kup) was achieved by Mikael Uimonen . All those who received a belt completed a clearly approved test, and all aspects of taekwondo were well under control, although not all areas have been thoroughly studied. The belt test was held by Teemu Heino and Juho Ranta.

The belt test also served as the first part of the belt test for upper belts that continued on May 23, 2013, where Ville Ahola (5+ kup), Janne Rita (3 kup) and Lasse Laaksonen (2 kup) completed new belt values.

Congratulations to all those who completed the new belt rank!



New belt values for taekwondo athletes on March 12, 2013

taekwondo | Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa
taekwondo athletes' assistant instructor Tanja Lovikka completed the 1 kup belt rank on 12 March 2012

In the belt examinations held on 12 March 2013, the following persons increased their belt rank:

  • Matti Puromäki, 1 cup
  • Tanja Lovikka, 1 cup
  • Markku Hannula, 6 cups
  • Sami Leskinen, 7 cups
  • Jenny Suihko, 7 cups
  • Tommi Kaikkonen, 8 cups

Because the belt test ended for different people at different times, it was not possible to give feedback to everyone directly after the test. Those who did not receive feedback, remember to ask Teemu or Juho as soon as possible.


The first indoor competitions of the year are exciting

taekwondoChildren trying out the competition

At the taekwondo athletes' indoor competitions on February 12, 2013, there was once again a good spirit of action. There were about 25 matches for the under-15s, and match after match, there were really good starts for the players. Most of the contestants were members of their own club, but there were also a few guest stars.

A taekwondo match is also suitable for adults

After the children, it was the turn of the adults. There could have been more adults, but fifteen adult matches were still enough to offer even adults the amount of sweat and bruises they wanted. Enthusiastic competitors arrived from clubs in the surrounding area, and some of our own were also involved. There were many paces in the adult matches, but everyone was able to show their skills at their own level. Next time, everyone who missed out now will join!

Taekwondo athletes would like to thank all the competitors, judges and officials who participated!

The next gym competition will take place on March 5, 2012. Welcome!


Good mood at the match camp

Taekwondo | TU11 - Match camp

Taekwondo-ottelu kiinnostaa kaiken ikäisiä

Joulukuun ensimmäinen päivä Taekwondourheilijoiden salilla oli jälkeen vilskettä, kun 28 innokasta taekwondon harrastajaa ikä- ja kokemushaarukan kaikilta laidoilta hikoilivat kolme puolitoistatuntista otteluharjoittelun parissa.

Päivän teema oli etäisyydet taekwondo-ottelussa. Ensimmäisessä harjoituksessa käytiin eri etäisyydet taktisesta näkökulmasta – mitä asioita tulee huomioida hyökkäysottelun ja puolustusottelun etäisyyksissä. Toisessa harjoituksessa käytiin läpi tekniikoiden erilaisia etäisyyksiä pitkistä “runneri-hyökkäyksistä” clinch-etäisyyksien tekniikkaan. Kolmansissa treeneissä em. asioita sovellettiin.

Päivä oli ohjaajien näkökulmasta antoisa, ja leiriläisiltä saatu suora palaute tuki mukavasti tätä havaintoa. Kiitokset kaikille leiriläisille! Alkuvuoden 2013 tapahtumista tiedotellaan näillä sivuilla, joten kannattaa käydä aika ajoin tarkistelemassa.


New yellow belts from Kalajärvi in Espoo

Thursday 29.11. In 2012, belt tests were organized for the Kalajärvi taekwondo course, in which 14 people participated. In the group of younger, 7-10-year-olds, 12 people completed the yellow belt, i.e. 8th cup, and in the group of older juniors, 2 people.

Taekwondo basics effectively

The Kalajärvi course had exercises once a week during the fall, so the total amount of exercises before the first belt tests was relatively small. For this reason, the training was strictly focused only on the things required in the taekwondo belt exams. In the belt tests, the general skill level was good in relation to the age of the belt players. In the younger group, the increase in concentration with age and practice will significantly improve performance by the next belt exams.

Taekwondo | Espoo | Kalajärvi juniors








The 8th kup belt rank was performed by:

– Elias Lahtinen
- Onni Tolppola
– Elias Liitsola
- Santtu Miinalainen
– Tommy Teittinen
– Pietu Lammi
– Olivia Salenius
- Perttu Harvala
– Leevi Rantakari
– Liisa Myyryläinen
– Mikael Koivisto
- Ossi Outila
– Minna Liiri
– Santeri Lappalainen

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